Getting started | Arbitrum

What is the Arbitrum protocol?

Arbitrum is a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that enhances transaction processing efficiency and reduces costs by using optimistic rollups. Off-chain transactions are grouped together in a batch and processed before being sent to the Ethereum network.


Read Solving the blockchain trilemma: A look at some scaling solutions to learn more about layer 2 chains.

To bridge assets between Ethereum and Arbitrum, simply use the Arbitrum bridge. The process is easy and takes around 10 minutes to complete. Just connect to MetaMask and follow the steps.

You can also try out Arbitrum on the Chainstack platform by deploying an Arbitrum Sepolia testnet node and bridging some Sepolia ETH using the testnet Arbitrum bridge.

Find useful Arbitrum tools in the Arbitrum tooling section.


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You can sign up with your GitHub, X, Google, or Microsoft account.

What is the Arbitrum API

The Arbitrum API allows developers to communicate with the Arbitrum blockchain to build applications.

To read data from and send transactions to the Arbitrum blockchain, an application must connect to an Arbitrum RPC node.

When communicating with an Arbitrum RPC node, the Arbitrum client implements a JSON-RPC specification, a communication protocol allowing one to make remote calls and execute them as if they were made locally.

How to start using the Arbitrum API

To use the Arbitrum API, you need access to an Arbitrum RPC node.

Follow these steps to sign up on Chainstack, deploy an Arbitrum RPC node, and find your endpoint credentials:

  1. Sign up with Chainstack.
  2. Deploy a node.
  3. View node access and credentials.

Now you are ready to connect to the Arbitrum blockchain and use the Arbitrum API to build.


See also

Build better with Arbitrum