getBlockTransactionsExt | TON v2

The getBlockTransactionsExt method retrieves extended transaction information from a specific block in the TON blockchain. This method provides more detailed transaction data compared to the basic getBlockTransactions method.


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TON pricing is the same for full, archive, v2, v3

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  • workchain (integer, required) — The ID of the workchain. Example: -1 for the masterchain.
  • shard (string, required) — The ID of the shard. Example: "-9223372036854775808" for the masterchain.
  • seqno (integer, required) — The sequence number of the block. Example: 39064874.
  • count (integer, optional) — The maximum number of transactions to return. Default: 40.

JSON-RPC example

curl -X POST \
  '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "getBlockTransactionsExt",
    "params": {
      "workchain": -1,
      "shard": "-9223372036854775808",
      "seqno": 39064874,
      "count": 40


  • id (object) — The identifier of the block, containing:
    • workchain (integer) — The workchain ID of the block.
    • shard (string) — The shard ID of the block.
    • seqno (integer) — The sequence number of the block.
    • root_hash (string) — The root hash of the block.
    • file_hash (string) — The file hash of the block.
  • transactions (array of objects) — An array of transaction objects, each containing:
    • account (string) — The account address involved in the transaction.
    • hash (string) — The transaction hash.
    • lt (string) — The logical time of the transaction.
    • transaction (object) — Detailed transaction information.
  • incomplete (boolean) — Indicates if the returned list of transactions is incomplete.

Use case

A possible use case for the getBlockTransactionsExt method in TON is for advanced blockchain explorers, analytical tools, or any application that needs comprehensive transaction data within specific blocks. This method can be used to:

  1. Display detailed transaction information for a given block in a block explorer.
  2. Perform in-depth analysis of transaction patterns, including message contents and computation details.
  3. Monitor specific accounts by tracking their detailed transaction activities across blocks.
  4. Implement advanced indexing or data processing mechanisms for transaction data.

Try the getBlockTransactionsExt RPC method yourself

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