
Chainstack updates: January 25, 2024

Global elastic nodes. Now, you can deploy global elastic nodes for Starknet Sepolia Testnet.


Chainstack updates: January 18, 2023

Global elastic nodes. Now you can deploy global elastic nodes for Base Sepolia Testnet, Optimism Sepolia Testnet, zkSync Era Sepolia Testnet.


Chainstack updates: December 6, 2023

Billing. No credit card required on sign-up. Sign up and get the free Developer plan with 3 million requests monthly.


Chainstack updates: November 30, 2023

Billing. Pay-as-you-go released. You can now enable it in your Billing to keep the Chainstack services operational on reach your plan's quota limit, or disable it to have a hard limit and stopping the services on reaching the quota.


Chainstack updates: November 29, 2023

Starknet. Starknet mainnet and testnet nodes now support WebSocket.


Chainstack updates: November 20, 2023

Global elastic node. Now you can deploy global elastic nodes for Starknet Mainnet.


Chainstack updates: November 16, 2023

Protocols. You can now deploy global elastic nodes and dedicated nodes for Ronin Mainnet and Ronin Saigon Testnet.


Chainstack updates: October 31, 2023

Protocols. You can now deploy global elastic nodes and dedicated nodes for Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet.


Chainstack updates: October 26, 2023

Console. Now Developer subscription plan has a rate limit of 30 request per seconds. Note that this does not apply to all other subscription plans.


Chainstack updates: October 19, 2023

Global elastic node. Now you can deploy global elastic nodes for Ethereum Holešky Testnet.