Sonic: Swap farming for points walkthrough in Python
On the Sonic testnet, you can do daily tasks that include swaps of a set of the official ERC-20 tokens dispersed from the Sonic faucet.
The DEX has the UI but no instructions on how to automate the swaps (obviously). The contract involved in the swap is not verified, which means we have no contract source and don't have the contract ABI, which in turn adds another obstacle in achieving our objective.
This guide is a quick & fun walkthrough on how to approach the problem, investigate it, and ultimately achieve the automatic swaps.
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The problem
Going to the swap, account, faucet (all in one place) page, you can see that what you can do there is:
- Request different testnet coins (CORAL, ONYX, and so on)
- Swap them in the interface
But you of course don't want to do any of that manually, so let's FAFO and try to automate the coin swapping. Will implement a round-robin approach in which can just continuously swap coins to farm points.
Once you have requested all the coins for swapping, do a sample swap. As a reminder, here's he swap, account, faucet.
The sample swap transaction will reveal an unverified contract address for which you have no source (which is understandable — why publish it and let people farm). Here's the address: 0x086D426f8B653b88a2d6D03051C8b4aB8783Be2b . The explorer is a paid implementation by the etherscan, a team that produces the best explorers in the world. It was very nice of the Sonic team do run an etherscan version, which is extremely convenient in everything, including a built-in decompiler.
So just go ahead on the Contract tab, hit the Decompile Bytecode button.
This will produce a bunch of output, including a familiar name—UniswapV2Library
. So, it's Uniswap V2 fork, which means 0x086D426f8B653b88a2d6D03051C8b4aB8783Be2b
is likely the router address. And any token exchange going through the router does the actual exchange on an LP address for the token pair.
And we already know the token addresses, since they are in the faucet and you can request them. And you can also look through all the exchanges going on there on the address: 0x086D426f8B653b88a2d6D03051C8b4aB8783Be2b and see that the function signature used for the swaps is 0xddba27a7
To be able to script the actual swaps, we need the LP addresses of the tokens.
Here's what we know so far:
- Router (a modification of Uniswap V2):
- Token addresses on the faucet:
- FLE:
- OBS:
- A token swap involves at least four addresses:
- Router
- TokenA
- TokenB
- LP address
Knowing that, let's create a Python script that scan through blocks for transactions the router address and our token addresses and prints the LP address associated with each swap:
import json
import sys
from web3 import Web3
from eth_abi import decode
from hexbytes import HexBytes
# Sonic Blaze Testnet configuration
ROUTER_ADDRESS = "0x086d426f8b653b88a2d6d03051c8b4ab8783be2b"
SWAP_METHOD_ID = "0xddba27a7" # Method ID for the swap function
SWAP_METHOD_ID_BYTES = bytes.fromhex(SWAP_METHOD_ID[2:]) # Convert to bytes for comparison
# Define start block directly in the script from which to start scanning
START_BLOCK = 24069000 # Replace with your desired start block
# Token addresses to track
"DIAM": "0x30BF3761147Ef0c86E2f84c3784FBD89E7954670",
"CORAL": "0xAF93888cbD250300470A1618206e036E11470149",
"FLE": "0x9Fa14D267d331c9E8BB7979bcDC212136915eCE8",
"MACH": "0x50971F8978C431D560ff658a83a8a03fdf199055",
"OBS": "0x3e6eE2F3f33766294C7148bc85c7d145E70cBD9A",
"ONYX": "0xE73c4f6A0A3B0EF8337fD080b76C08172b3eB958"
# Normalize addresses to lowercase for comparison
TOKENS = {k: v.lower() for k, v in TOKENS.items()}
# Connect to the Sonic Blaze Testnet
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(RPC_URL))
if not w3.is_connected():
print("Failed to connect to the Sonic Blaze Testnet")
print(f"Connected to Sonic Blaze Testnet. Chain ID: {w3.eth.chain_id}")
def extract_addresses_from_input(input_data):
Extract all Ethereum addresses from the input data.
This is a more robust approach that doesn't rely on specific offsets.
addresses = []
# Remove '0x' prefix if present
if input_data.startswith('0x'):
data = input_data[2:]
data = input_data
# Scan through the data looking for potential addresses
# An Ethereum address is 20 bytes (40 hex chars)
for i in range(0, len(data) - 40, 2): # Step by 2 because each byte is 2 hex chars
# Check if this could be an address (look for leading zeros that pad addresses in ABI encoding)
potential_address_with_padding = data[i:i+64]
if len(potential_address_with_padding) == 64 and potential_address_with_padding.startswith('000000000000000000000000'):
address = '0x' + potential_address_with_padding[24:64]
# Basic validation: check if it looks like an address
if all(c in '0123456789abcdefABCDEF' for c in address[2:]):
return addresses
def decode_swap_input(input_data):
Decode the input data of a swap transaction
# Extract all addresses from the input data
addresses = extract_addresses_from_input(input_data)
if not addresses:
print("No addresses found in input data")
return None
# Filter addresses to find our tokens
token_addresses = []
for addr in addresses:
if addr.lower() in TOKENS.values():
# The last address is typically the LP address
lp_address = None
for addr in reversed(addresses):
if addr.lower() not in TOKENS.values():
lp_address = addr.lower()
return {
"path": token_addresses,
"lp_address": lp_address
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error decoding input data: {e}")
return None
def scan_blocks(start_block):
Scan blocks for swap transactions involving the specified tokens.
Continues until LP addresses are found for all tokens.
# Track LP addresses for each token
token_lp_map = {token_addr: set() for token_addr in TOKENS.values()}
# Keep track of tokens that still need LP addresses
tokens_remaining = set(TOKENS.values())
print(f"Scanning blocks starting from {start_block}...")
print(f"Looking for LP addresses for {len(tokens_remaining)} tokens...")
block_num = start_block
while tokens_remaining:
if block_num % 100 == 0:
print(f"Processing block {block_num}...")
block = w3.eth.get_block(block_num, full_transactions=True)
for tx in block.transactions:
# Check if transaction is to the router contract
if hasattr(tx, 'to') and and == ROUTER_ADDRESS:
# Check if it's a swap transaction by comparing the first 4 bytes (method ID)
if tx.input[:4] == SWAP_METHOD_ID_BYTES:
# Get transaction hash
tx_hash = tx.hash.hex()
decoded = decode_swap_input(tx.input.hex())
if decoded and decoded["lp_address"] and decoded["path"]:
# Check if any of our tracked tokens are in the path
for token_addr in decoded["path"]:
if token_addr in tokens_remaining:
token_name = next((name for name, addr in TOKENS.items() if addr == token_addr), token_addr)
# Add LP address to the map
# Print only if this is the first LP address found for this token
if len(token_lp_map[token_addr]) == 1:
print(f"Block {block_num}, TX {tx_hash}: Found LP for {token_name}: {decoded['lp_address']}")
# Remove token from remaining list
print(f"Remaining tokens to find: {len(tokens_remaining)}")
# Move to the next block
block_num += 1
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing block {block_num}: {e}")
# Continue to the next block even if there's an error
block_num += 1
print(f"Found LP addresses for all tokens after scanning to block {block_num-1}")
return token_lp_map
def main():
token_lp_map = scan_blocks(START_BLOCK)
print("\n--- Summary of LP Addresses ---")
for token_addr, lp_addresses in token_lp_map.items():
token_name = next((name for name, addr in TOKENS.items() if addr == token_addr), token_addr)
if lp_addresses:
print(f"\n{token_name} ({token_addr}):")
for lp in lp_addresses:
print(f" LP: {lp}")
print(f"\n{token_name} ({token_addr}): No LP addresses found")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Make sure you put:
— the actual Sonic Blaze testnet endpoint URL that you can get from Chainstack.START_BLOCK
— go for eg 300 blocks in the past
The script will keep running until it finds the LP addresses.
It will print something like this:
Connected to Sonic Blaze Testnet. Chain ID: 57054
Scanning blocks starting from 24069000...
Looking for LP addresses for 6 tokens...
Processing block 24069000...
Block 24069018, TX 02fd4c396e9d146eab07b6427a712644fac14cdbc85ea52615f5144484df7c81: Found LP for CORAL: 0x0db7087e050ef022ec1d0432e983ff42506cc990
Remaining tokens to find: 5
Block 24069039, TX b4995dabb7c74ea1bf01834b6c1b305b426905d27b9bd82dc2a55c44050069d7: Found LP for MACH: 0xf88e70b3e1f848c55781297329093e8b15969908
Remaining tokens to find: 4
Block 24069078, TX 9a9680eb2487b8d6d4bd226a624104bdec76a2dff08ae2d90219aa68f2e70642: Found LP for FLE: 0xce86c8d81d24dcfe54d29409afeffde81852b8ad
Remaining tokens to find: 3
Block 24069085, TX a86f4b4f3d46e0a1fae4c369ae5d2541cc43c5d83ee889205d98da5283d401fa: Found LP for ONYX: 0x7d5be487743f73264d6aa4ae202b6103078cd1a8
Remaining tokens to find: 2
Processing block 24069100...
Processing block 24069200...
Block 24069235, TX c6bcd8d9d783aef33819343b46924b33f67b9115a5ab45b5eaa56500caaf1174: Found LP for DIAM: 0x9785f7336ccfdd863ffc8179761f51f81e45bdf4
Remaining tokens to find: 1
Processing block 24069300...
Processing block 24069400...
Processing block 24069500...
Processing block 24069600...
Block 24069659, TX 3a0f5f962ec06a8b91dd99128311f1e2ecc760de48fb1b7732bd04c8db43f6c7: Found LP for OBS: 0xd7d04d8a33b6e6eb42a2e0e273e0fe1f23f818fd
Remaining tokens to find: 0
Found LP addresses for all tokens after scanning to block 24069659
--- Summary of LP Addresses ---
DIAM (0x30bf3761147ef0c86e2f84c3784fbd89e7954670):
LP: 0x9785f7336ccfdd863ffc8179761f51f81e45bdf4
CORAL (0xaf93888cbd250300470a1618206e036e11470149):
LP: 0x0db7087e050ef022ec1d0432e983ff42506cc990
FLE (0x9fa14d267d331c9e8bb7979bcdc212136915ece8):
LP: 0xce86c8d81d24dcfe54d29409afeffde81852b8ad
MACH (0x50971f8978c431d560ff658a83a8a03fdf199055):
LP: 0xf88e70b3e1f848c55781297329093e8b15969908
OBS (0x3e6ee2f3f33766294c7148bc85c7d145e70cbd9a):
LP: 0xd7d04d8a33b6e6eb42a2e0e273e0fe1f23f818fd
ONYX (0xe73c4f6a0a3b0ef8337fd080b76c08172b3eb958):
LP: 0x7d5be487743f73264d6aa4ae202b6103078cd1a8
Now that we have the LP addresses, and we know this is actually a modified Uniswap V2 contract, let's implement a round-robin swap:
- It swaps 1 ONYX to 1 CORAL. LP Address:
- Then it swaps 1 CORAL to 1 OBS. LP Address:
- Then it swaps 1 OBS to 1 ONYX. LP Addresss:
- And it starts all over again (1 ONYX to 1 CORAL and so on)
Also don't forget that we need token approvals and token approval checks to do the actual swaps.
import json
import time
import sys
from web3 import Web3
from eth_abi import encode
from hexbytes import HexBytes
import requests
# Sonic Blaze Testnet configuration
ROUTER_ADDRESS = "0x086d426f8b653b88a2d6d03051c8b4ab8783be2b"
SWAP_METHOD_ID = "0xddba27a7" # Method ID for the swap signature
"inputs": [
{"name": "amountIn", "type": "uint256"},
{"name": "path_offset", "type": "uint256"},
{"name": "to_offset", "type": "uint256"},
{"name": "path", "type": "address[]"},
{"name": "lp", "type": "address[]"}
"name": "swap",
"outputs": [{"name": "amounts", "type": "uint256[]"}],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function",
"function_selector": "0xddba27a7"
# Token addresses
"ONYX": "0xE73c4f6A0A3B0EF8337fD080b76C08172b3eB958",
"CORAL": "0xAF93888cbD250300470A1618206e036E11470149",
"OBS": "0x3e6eE2F3f33766294C7148bc85c7d145E70cBD9A"
# LP addresses for each swap pair
"ONYX_CORAL": "0x7D5bE487743F73264D6aA4Ae202B6103078cD1a8",
"CORAL_OBS": "0xD7D04d8A33b6E6EB42a2e0e273e0fe1F23f818fD",
"OBS_ONYX": "0xCE1c63381b03bd5f227C1cCfa71c5E93154f336F"
# Swap configuration
# IMPORTANT: Replace with your own private key
CYCLES = 4 # Number of swap cycles (0 for infinite)
AMOUNT = 1 # Amount to swap each time
DELAY = 10 # Delay between swaps in seconds
# ERC20 ABI for token balance checking and approvals
ERC20_ABI = [
"constant": True,
"inputs": [{"name": "_owner", "type": "address"}],
"name": "balanceOf",
"outputs": [{"name": "balance", "type": "uint256"}],
"type": "function"
"constant": False,
"inputs": [
{"name": "_spender", "type": "address"},
{"name": "_value", "type": "uint256"}
"name": "approve",
"outputs": [{"name": "", "type": "bool"}],
"type": "function"
"constant": True,
"inputs": [
{"name": "_owner", "type": "address"},
{"name": "_spender", "type": "address"}
"name": "allowance",
"outputs": [{"name": "", "type": "uint256"}],
"type": "function"
# Connect to the Sonic Blaze Testnet
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(RPC_URL))
if not w3.is_connected():
print("Failed to connect to the Sonic Blaze Testnet")
# Get the chain ID
CHAIN_ID = w3.eth.chain_id
print(f"Connected to Sonic Blaze Testnet. Chain ID: {CHAIN_ID}")
# Convert all addresses to checksum format
ROUTER_ADDRESS = Web3.to_checksum_address(ROUTER_ADDRESS)
TOKENS = {k: Web3.to_checksum_address(v) for k, v in TOKENS.items()}
LP_ADDRESSES = {k: Web3.to_checksum_address(v) for k, v in LP_ADDRESSES.items()}
# Derive wallet address from private key
account = w3.eth.account.from_key(PRIVATE_KEY)
WALLET_ADDRESS = account.address
print(f"Using wallet: {WALLET_ADDRESS}")
def get_token_balance(token_name):
Get the balance of a specific token for the wallet
token_address = TOKENS[token_name]
token_contract = w3.eth.contract(address=token_address, abi=ERC20_ABI)
balance_wei = token_contract.functions.balanceOf(WALLET_ADDRESS).call()
balance_eth = w3.from_wei(balance_wei, 'ether')
return balance_eth
def check_all_balances():
Check and display balances for all tokens
print("\n--- Current Token Balances ---")
for token_name in TOKENS.keys():
balance = get_token_balance(token_name)
print(f"{token_name}: {balance}")
def check_and_approve_token(token_name, amount):
Check if the router has enough allowance to spend the token
If not, approve the router to spend the token
token_address = TOKENS[token_name]
token_contract = w3.eth.contract(address=token_address, abi=ERC20_ABI)
# Convert amount to Wei
amount_wei = w3.to_wei(amount, 'ether')
# Check current allowance
current_allowance = token_contract.functions.allowance(WALLET_ADDRESS, ROUTER_ADDRESS).call()
if current_allowance < amount_wei:
print(f"Approving {token_name} for the router...")
# Approve a large amount to avoid frequent approvals
# Using max uint256 value (2^256 - 1)
max_amount = 2**256 - 1
# Build the approval transaction
tx = token_contract.functions.approve(
'gas': 100000,
'gasPrice': w3.eth.gas_price,
'nonce': w3.eth.get_transaction_count(WALLET_ADDRESS),
'chainId': CHAIN_ID
# Sign and send the transaction
signed_tx = w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(tx, PRIVATE_KEY)
tx_hash = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.raw_transaction)
print(f"Approval transaction sent: {tx_hash.hex()}")
# Wait for the transaction to be mined
receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
if receipt.status == 1:
print(f"{token_name} approved successfully!")
print(f"Failed to approve {token_name}!")
return False
return True
def create_swap_transaction(from_token, to_token, amount, lp_address):
# Convert amount to Wei (assuming 18 decimals for all tokens)
amount_wei = w3.to_wei(amount, 'ether')
# Create the path array with the token addresses
path = [TOKENS[from_token], TOKENS[to_token]]
# Function selector
function_selector = SWAP_METHOD_ID[2:] # Remove '0x' prefix
# Encode parameters
# 1. amountIn (uint256)
amount_hex = f"{amount_wei:064x}"
# 2. path_offset (uint256) - fixed at 0x60 (96 in decimal)
path_offset_hex = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060"
# 3. to_offset (uint256) - fixed at 0xc0 (192 in decimal)
to_offset_hex = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c0"
# 4. path_length (uint256) - 2 tokens
path_length_hex = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
# 5. path tokens (address[])
path_tokens_hex = ""
for token in path:
path_tokens_hex += f"000000000000000000000000{token[2:].lower()}"
# 6. lp_length (uint256) - 1 LP
lp_length_hex = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
# 7. lp_address (address)
lp_address_hex = f"000000000000000000000000{lp_address[2:].lower()}"
# Combine all parts
data = f"0x{function_selector}{amount_hex}{path_offset_hex}{to_offset_hex}{path_length_hex}{path_tokens_hex}{lp_length_hex}{lp_address_hex}"
# Debug print
print(f"Transaction data: {data}")
print(f"From token: {TOKENS[from_token]}")
print(f"To token: {TOKENS[to_token]}")
print(f"LP address: {lp_address}")
# Create transaction dictionary
tx = {
'value': 0,
'gas': 500000,
'gasPrice': w3.eth.gas_price,
'nonce': w3.eth.get_transaction_count(WALLET_ADDRESS),
'data': data,
'chainId': CHAIN_ID
return tx
def sign_and_send_transaction(tx):
Sign and send a transaction
# Sign the transaction
signed_tx = w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(tx, PRIVATE_KEY)
# Send the transaction
tx_hash = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.raw_transaction)
print(f"Transaction sent: {tx_hash.hex()}")
# Wait for the transaction to be mined
receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
if receipt.status == 1:
print("Transaction successful!")
print("Transaction failed!")
# Try to get more information about the failure
# Try to get the transaction trace
trace_data = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "trace_transaction",
"params": [tx_hash.hex()],
"id": 1
# Make a direct RPC call to get trace data
response =, json=trace_data)
if response.status_code == 200:
trace_result = response.json()
if 'result' in trace_result and trace_result['result']:
for trace in trace_result['result']:
if 'error' in trace:
print(f"Transaction error: {trace['error']}")
print("No trace data available")
print(f"Failed to get trace data: {response.status_code}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error getting trace data: {e}")
return receipt
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error sending transaction: {e}")
return None
def perform_round_robin_swaps(cycles=CYCLES, amount=AMOUNT, delay=DELAY):
Perform continuous round-robin swaps between ONYX, CORAL, and OBS
cycles: Number of complete cycles to perform (0 for infinite)
amount: Amount of tokens to swap each time
delay: Delay in seconds between swaps
# Define the swap sequence
swap_sequence = [
{"from": "ONYX", "to": "CORAL", "lp": LP_ADDRESSES["ONYX_CORAL"]},
{"from": "CORAL", "to": "OBS", "lp": LP_ADDRESSES["CORAL_OBS"]},
{"from": "OBS", "to": "ONYX", "lp": LP_ADDRESSES["OBS_ONYX"]}
# Approve all tokens before starting
print("Checking and approving tokens...")
for token_name in TOKENS.keys():
if not check_and_approve_token(token_name, amount):
print(f"Failed to approve {token_name}. Aborting.")
# Wait a bit after approvals to ensure they're processed
print("Waiting 5 seconds for approvals to be fully processed...")
cycle_count = 0
# Check initial balances
while cycles == 0 or cycle_count < cycles:
print(f"\n--- Starting cycle {cycle_count + 1} ---")
for swap in swap_sequence:
from_token = swap['from']
to_token = swap['to']
# Check balance before swap
from_balance_before = get_token_balance(from_token)
to_balance_before = get_token_balance(to_token)
print(f"\nSwapping {amount} {from_token} to {to_token} via LP {swap['lp']}")
print(f"Balance before swap: {from_token}: {from_balance_before}, {to_token}: {to_balance_before}")
# Check if we have enough balance
if from_balance_before < amount:
print(f"Insufficient {from_token} balance. Skipping this swap.")
# Create and send the swap transaction
tx = create_swap_transaction(from_token, to_token, amount, swap['lp'])
receipt = sign_and_send_transaction(tx)
# Check balance after swap
from_balance_after = get_token_balance(from_token)
to_balance_after = get_token_balance(to_token)
print(f"Balance after swap: {from_token}: {from_balance_after}, {to_token}: {to_balance_after}")
print(f"Change: {from_token}: {from_balance_after - from_balance_before}, {to_token}: {to_balance_after - to_balance_before}")
# Wait between swaps
if delay > 0:
print(f"Waiting {delay} seconds before next swap...")
cycle_count += 1
print(f"Completed cycle {cycle_count}")
# Check all balances at the end of each cycle
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nSwap process interrupted by user")
# Show final balances
except Exception as e:
print(f"\nError during swap process: {e}")
# Show balances even if there was an error
def main():
print("=== Sonic Token Round-Robin Swap ===")
print("This script will continuously swap between ONYX, CORAL, and OBS tokens")
print(f"Configured for {CYCLES} cycles, {AMOUNT} tokens per swap, {DELAY}s delay between swaps")
# Perform the swaps
print("\nSwap process completed")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Make sure you put:
— the actual Sonic Blaze testnet endpoint URL that you can get from Chainstack.PRVATE_KEY
— the key that holds the tokens you are going to swap.CYCLES
— how many cycles to run.0
for infinite.AMOUNT
— the amount of each token to keep swapping.DELAY
— if you want to add a bit of a delay there and not keep blasting the swaps like a bot (which you are).
And there you have it. We've walked you through on how to make your life easier though FAFO. And honestly the sort of people that can investigate and automate this for points are the type of people that network onboarders may want — active and capable developers.
Updated 2 days ago