Run nodes on Chainstack
Start for free and get your app to production levels immediately. No credit card required. You can sign up with your GitHub, X, Google, or Microsoft account.
Wallets allow the addition of custom RPC endpoints either by directly modifying the settings of an existing network (e.g., Ethereum) or by adding a custom network and specifying a custom RPC endpoint.
To obtain the address of your RPC endpoint, navigate to the node details on the Chainstack console and locate the Execution client HTTPS endpoint in the Access and credentials section. When adding a new network, you need a chain ID which you can on resources like or

In the section Access and credentials of a Chainstack Node, press Add to MetaMask. This will prompt you to confirm a new network details.
To add a network manually, go to Networks and add a new network with a required chain ID and your Chainstack RPC endpoint.
Trust Wallet

To add a custom RPC to Trust Wallet, open the wallet and navigate to the Settings section. Look for the Network section to add a custom network with your Chainstack RPC endpoint.

To add a custom RPC to Rainbow Wallet, open the wallet and navigate to the Settings section. Look for the Networks to add your Chainstack RPC endpoint.

To add a custom RPC to Rabby Wallet, open the wallet and navigate to the Settings (More) section. Look for the Modify RPC URL to add your Chainstack RPC endpoint.
Frame Desktop

To add a custom RPC to Frame Desktop, open the wallet and navigate to the Chains section. Click on the chain details to add your Chainstack RPC endpoint.
Cloud-based IDEs provide the flexibility to use injected providers. MetaMask is the most commonly used one. By adding a Chainstack RPC node in MetaMask and connecting to the wallet in your IDE, you can seamlessly interact with the network throught a Chainstack node.
Remix IDE
To enable Remix IDE to interact with the network through a Chainstack node, you can follow these steps:
- Install and set up MetaMask to use a Chainstack node for interaction. You can refer to the guide on Interacting through MetaMask for detailed instructions.
- Open Remix IDE and go to the Deploy tab (or Deploy and run transactions tab). Here, select Injected Provider - MetaMask as your environment.
To enable Remix IDE to interact with the network through a Chainstack node, you can follow these steps:
- Install and set up MetaMask to use a Chainstack node for interaction. You can refer to the guide on Interacting through MetaMask for detailed instructions.
- Open ChainIDE and navigate the Connect Wallet button. Here, select Injected Web3 Provider and then MetaMask.
Programming languages and libraries
Communication protocols
WebSockets and HTTP are essential communication protocols in web applications. WebSockets enable two-way, persistent communication between a client and a server, useful for real-time price feeds, live transaction monitoring, and event notifications. In contrast, HTTP follows a one-way, request-response model, ideal for retrieving periodic price updates and transaction histories.
Build DApps using web3.js and Ethereum nodes deployed with Chainstack.
Install web3.js.
npm install web3
Initialize HTTP or WebSocket provider.
import { Web3, HttpProvider, WebSocketProvider } from 'web3'; // Using HTTP provider const httpProvider = new Web3(new HttpProvider("/*YOUR_HTTP_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT*/")); httpProvider.eth.getBlockNumber().then(console.log); // Using WebSocket provider const wsProvider = new Web3(new WebSocketProvider("/*YOUR_WS_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT*/")); wsProvider.eth.getBlockNumber().then((blockNumber) => { console.log(blockNumber); wsProvider.currentProvider.safeDisconnect(); });
Build DApps using ethers.js and Ethereum nodes deployed with Chainstack.
Install ethers.js.
npm install ethers
Initialize HTTP or WebSocket provider.
import { ethers } from 'ethers'; // Using HTTP provider const httpProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("/*YOUR_HTTP_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT*/"); httpProvider.getBlockNumber().then(console.log); // Using WebSocket provider const wsProvider = new ethers.WebSocketProvider("/*YOUR_WS_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT*/"); wsProvider.getBlockNumber().then((blockNumber) => { console.log(blockNumber); wsProvider.destroy(); });
Build DApps using and Ethereum nodes deployed with Chainstack.
pip install web3
Initialize HTTP or WebSocket provider.
from web3 import Web3 # Using HTTP provider http_web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("/*YOUR_HTTP_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT*/")) print(http_web3.eth.block_number) # Using WebSocket provider with Web3(Web3.WebsocketProvider("/*YOUR_WS_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT*/")) as ws_web3: print(ws_web3.eth.block_number)
Nethereum (.NET)
Build DApps using Nethereum and Ethereum nodes deployed with Chainstack.
Install Nethereum.
Initialize HTTP or WebSocket provider.
using Nethereum.JsonRpc.WebSocketClient; using Nethereum.Web3; namespace TutorialWeb3 { internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Using HTTP provider var httpClient = new Web3("/*YOUR_HTTP_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT*/"); var httpBlockNumber = httpClient.Eth.Blocks.GetBlockNumber.SendRequestAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Console.WriteLine($"HTTP Block Number: {httpBlockNumber}"); // Using WebSocket provider using (var wsClient = new WebSocketClient("/*YOUR_WS_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT*/")) { var web3Ws = new Web3(wsClient); var wsBlockNumber = web3Ws.Eth.Blocks.GetBlockNumber.SendRequestAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Console.WriteLine("WS Block Number: " + wsBlockNumber); } } } }
Build DApps using viem and Ethereum nodes deployed with Chainstack.
Install viem.
Initialize HTTP or WebSocket provider.
import { createPublicClient, http, webSocket } from 'viem'; import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains'; // Using HTTP provider const httpClient = createPublicClient({ chain: mainnet, transport: http("/*YOUR_HTTP_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT*/"), }); const blockNumber = await httpClient.getBlockNumber(); console.log(blockNumber); // Using WebSocket provider const wsClient = createPublicClient({ chain: mainnet, transport: webSocket("/*YOUR_WS_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT*/"), }) const wsBlockNumber = await wsClient.getBlockNumber(); console.log(wsBlockNumber); await wsClient.transport.getRpcClient().then((rpcClient) => { rpcClient.close(); });
Querying and indexing tools
Chainstack subgraphs (GraphQL)
GraphQL can be utilized on Chainstack Subgraphs to query indexed blockchain data. You can deploy your own subgraph or use elastic subgraphs, already deployed subgraphs for major DeFi applications. There are multiple tools and libraries available for that. Please check our tutorials on subgraphs.
Development frameworks and toolkits
Configure Foundry to deploy contracts using Chainstack Ethereum nodes.
Install Foundry:
curl -L | bash foundryup
Configure environment in Foundry:
Create a new Foundry project:
forge init my_project cd my_project
Create a
file in your project root and add your Chainstack endpoint and private key:CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_ENDPOINT=https://your-chainstack-mainnet-url CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_ENDPOINT=https://your-chainstack-devnet-url PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET=your-mainnet-private-key PRIVATE_KEY_DEVNET=your-devnet-private-key
You need to load the environment variables into your shell session:
Update your
file to include the Chainstack network:[profile.default] src = 'src' out = 'out' libs = ['lib'] [rpc_endpoints] mainnet = "${CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_URL}" devnet = "${CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_URL}"
Before deploying, ensure that your contracts are compiled. This step is crucial to avoid deployment issues.
forge build
To use the Chainstack endpoint for deployment, you can use the following command:
forge create --rpc-url ${CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_URL} --private-key ${PRIVATE_KEY_DEVNET} src/YourContract.sol:YourContract
Alternatively, you can create a deployment script in the
folder, for exampleDeploy.s.sol
:// script/Deploy.s.sol // Specify the Solidity version pragma solidity ^0.8.20; // Import the Forge script library import "forge-std/Script.sol"; // Import your contract import "../src/YourContract.sol"; contract DeployScript is Script { function run() external { // Retrieve the deployer's private key from the environment variables uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY_DEVNET"); // Change to PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET for mainnet // Start broadcasting transactions using the deployer's private key vm.startBroadcast(deployerPrivateKey); // Deploy the contract YourContract yourContract = new YourContract(); // Stop broadcasting transactions vm.stopBroadcast(); // Log the deployed contract address console2.log("Contract deployed at:", address(yourContract)); } }
Then run the script with:
forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:DeployScript --rpc-url devnet--broadcast
Interact with the blockchain using Cast. Use the following command to query the balance of an Ethereum address:
cast balance <ETH_ADDRESS> --rpc-url $CHAINSTACK_RPC_URL
Replace <ETH_ADDRESS> with the actual Ethereum address you want to query.
Configure Hardhat to deploy contracts using Chainstack Ethereum nodes.
Install Hardhat and other dependencies:
npm init -y npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers dotenv
Configure environment in Hardhat:
Create a
file in your project root and add your Chainstack endpoint and private key:CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_ENDPOINT=https://your-chainstack-mainnet-url CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_ENDPOINT=https://your-chainstack-devnet-url PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET=your-mainnet-private-key PRIVATE_KEY_DEVNET=your-devnet-private-key
Initiate a project:
npx hardhat init
Update your
file to use the Chainstack endpoint:require('@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers'); require('dotenv').config(); module.exports = { solidity: "0.8.20", // Specify the required compiler version networks: { mainnet: { url: process.env.CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_ENDPOINT, accounts: [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET] // Mainnet private key }, devnet: { url: process.env.CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_ENDPOINT, accounts: [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY_DEVNET] // Devnet private key } } };
To deploy your contracts using the Chainstack endpoint, you can create a deployment script in the
folder, for exampledeploy.js
:const hre = require("hardhat"); async function main() { // Retrieve the deployer account from the list of signers const [deployer] = await hre.ethers.getSigners(); console.log("Deploying contracts with the account:", deployer.address); // Load the contract factory from the contracts folder const Token = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("MyToken"); // Replace "MyToken" with your contract name // Specify the initial supply for the token (adjust as necessary) const initialSupply = hre.ethers.utils.parseUnits("1000", 18); // Adjust the supply and decimals as needed // Deploy the contract and wait for it to be mined const token = await Token.deploy(initialSupply); await token.deployed(); // Output the contract address and transaction hash once deployed console.log("Contract deployed at address:", token.address); console.log("Transaction hash:", token.deployTransaction.hash); } // Execute the main function and handle potential errors main() .then(() => process.exit(0)) .catch((error) => { console.error("Error during deployment:", error); process.exit(1); });
Compile the contracts:
npx hardhat compile
Use the appropriate network flag (mainnet or devnet) to deploy to the respective network:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network devnet
Scaffold-ETH 2
Configure Scaffold-ETH 2 to deploy contracts using Chainstack Ethereum nodes.
Clone the Scaffold-ETH 2 repository:
git clone cd scaffold-eth-2
Install dependencies:
yarn install
Create a
file in the root directory of your project:touch .env.local
Add your Chainstack endpoint and private key to the
file:CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_ENDPOINT=https://your-chainstack-mainnet-url CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_ENDPOINT=https://your-chainstack-devnet-url DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY=your-private-key-here
Note: by default, Scaffold-ETH 2 uses Alchemy RPC nodes and it assumes the config contains an Alchemy API key. We can override this setting Chainstack RPC nodes and updating some other configs.
Modify the
file to configure the Chainstack endpoint. Locate thenetworks
section and add or modify the configuration for the Chainstack networks:const config: HardhatUserConfig = { solidity: "0.8.20", // Ensure to specify the correct Solidity version networks: { mainnet: { url: process.env.CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_ENDPOINT || `${providerApiKey}`, // Use the Chainstack mainnet endpoint // accounts: [process.env.DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET as string], // Mainnet private key }, sepolia: { url: process.env.CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_ENDPOINT || `${providerApiKey}`, // Use the Chainstack devnet endpoint // accounts: [process.env.DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY_DEVNET as string], // Devnet private key }, // ... other network configurations }, };
Compile contracts using Hardhat:
cd packages/hardhat yarn hardhat compile
To deploy your contracts using the Chainstack endpoint, run:
yarn deploy --network sepolia
To start the NextJS app with the Chainstack configuration:
yarn start
Truffle (no longer maintained)
Configure Truffle to deploy contracts using Chainstack Ethereum nodes.
Install Truffle and other dependencies:
# Initialize a new npm project npm init -y # Install Truffle as a local development dependency npm install --save-dev truffle @truffle/hdwallet-provider dotenv
Configure environment in Truffle:
Initialize a new Truffle project:
npx truffle init
Create a
file in your project root and add your Chainstack endpoint and private key:CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_ENDPOINT=https://your-chainstack-mainnet-url CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_ENDPOINT=https://your-chainstack-devnet-url PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET=your-mainnet-private-key PRIVATE_KEY_DEVNET=your-devnet-private-key
Update your
file to use the Chainstack endpoint:require('dotenv').config(); const HDWalletProvider = require('@truffle/hdwallet-provider'); module.exports = { networks: { // Configuration for Mainnet mainnet: { provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET, process.env.CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_ENDPOINT), network_id: 1, // Mainnet's network ID }, // Configuration for Devnet devnet: { provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY_DEVNET, process.env.CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_ENDPOINT), network_id: 11155111, // Sepolia }, }, compilers: { solc: { version: "0.8.20", // Specify the Solidity compiler version }, }, };
Create a migration script in the migrations folder to deploy your contract (
):// Import your contract artifact const YourContract = artifacts.require("CONTRACT_NAME"); module.exports = function (deployer) { deployer.YourContract(); };
Compile the contracts:
npx truffle compile
To deploy your contract using the Chainstack endpoint, run:
truffle migrate --network devnet
Configure Ape Framework to deploy contracts using Chainstack Ethereum nodes. Before performing the following steps, you can set up and activate a virtual environment.
Install Ape and dependencies:
pip install eth-ape
Configure environment in Ape:
Initialize a project:
ape init
Create or update your
file in your project root:name: ape-1 contracts_folder: contracts # Default is contracts default_ecosystem: ethereum # Default is ethereum node: ethereum: mainnet: uri: CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_ENDPOINT sepolia: uri: CHAINSTACK_SEPOLIA_ENDPOINT dependencies: - name: OpenZeppelin github: OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol # Example version: 4.4.2
Import an account. You’ll be prompted to enter a private key and pass phrase to encrypt it.
ape accounts import devnet_deployer
To deploy your contracts using the Chainstack endpoint, you can create a deployment script, for example
:from ape import accounts, project def main(): # Load the account for deployment # Change 'devnet_deployer' to 'mainnet_deployer' when deploying to mainnet account = accounts.load("devnet_deployer") # Deploy the contract contract = account.deploy(project.MyContract) # Replace 'MyContract' with your contract's name and add its arguments # Output the contract address print(f"Contract deployed at: {contract.address}") # Output the transaction hash print(f"Transaction hash: {contract.txn_hash.hex()}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Compile contracts. Before deploying, ensure your contracts are compiled. Ape automatically compiles contracts when deploying, but you can manually compile them if needed:
ape compile
Run the deployment script using:
ape run scripts/ --network ethereum:sepolia
Brownie (no longer maintained)
Configure Brownie to deploy contracts using Chainstack Ethereum nodes.
Create a Python virtual environment and install Brownie:
python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows, use venv\Scripts\activate pip install eth-brownie
Configure environment in Brownie:
Create a new Brownie project (add
if a folder is not empty):brownie init
In your project directory, create a
file and add your Chainstack endpoint and private key:CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_ENDPOINT=https://your-chainstack-mainnet-url CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_ENDPOINT=https://your-chainstack-devnet-url PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET=your-mainnet-private-key PRIVATE_KEY_DEVNET=your-devnet-private-key
Ensure that your terminal session loads these environment variables. You can manually source the .env file:
source .env
Update the
file in your project root:dotenv: .env networks: default: development chainstack-mainnet: host: ${CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_ENDPOINT} chainid: 1 explorer: chainstack-devnet: host: ${CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_ENDPOINT} chainid: 1337 # Example chain ID for devnet; adjust if different
Add a custom network to Brownie's network list:
brownie networks add Ethereum chainstack-mainnet host=${CHAINSTACK_MAINNET_ENDPOINT} chainid=1 brownie networks add Ethereum chainstack-devnet host=${CHAINSTACK_DEVNET_ENDPOINT} chainid=1337
To use your private key for deployments, you can create a
file:import os from brownie import accounts, Counter # Replace 'Counter' with your contract's class name def main(): # Load the deployer's account using the private key from the environment variable acct = accounts.add(os.getenv("PRIVATE_KEY_DEVNET")) # Use PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET for mainnet # Deploy the contract (Replace 'Counter' with the actual name of your contract) contract = Counter.deploy({'from': acct}) # Output the contract address and transaction hash print(f"Contract deployed at: {contract.address}") print(f"Transaction hash: {contract.tx.txid}")
To deploy your contracts using the Chainstack endpoint, run:
brownie run scripts/ --network chainstack-devnet
Updated 8 months ago