TON: How to customize fungible tokens (Jettons)


  • We extend the Jetton minter to enforce a capped supply and a mint price for each token.
  • The updated contract logic checks the available supply and calculates the token amount based on the TON sent.
  • We added new getters and fields to handle capped supply, price, and test scenarios for correct minting.
  • Lastly, we illustrated how to deploy the updated Jetton minter using Blueprint and Sandbox.

Main article

In this tutorial, we will explore how to customize the standard implementation of Jetton tokens on TON. We will guide you through the update process using the Blueprint environment and Sandbox. Specifically, we will introduce a capped supply and a mint price per token to our minter contract. Users will be able to mint tokens at the preset price until the capped supply is reached.


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Let's briefly recap what we know about fungible tokens on TON. TON fungible tokens are called Jettons. The Jetton standard is detailed in TEP74, while the specification for token metadata is outlined in TEP64. The Jetton standard (TEP74) covers:

  1. The method for Jetton transfers.
  2. How to retrieve common information (name, circulating supply, etc.) about a given Jetton asset.

An example of the Jetton minter and wallet contracts has been prepared by the TON core team. We will take these contracts as a starting point for our development.

Center Image
Parent-children approach

Source: How to shard your TON smart contract and why - studying the anatomy of TON's Jettons.


Tutorial code

The GitHub repository with all code written in this tutorial is published here.

Setting up project

Clone the project from the previous tutorial into your current folder:

git clone .

Next, update the blueprint.config.ts file with your Chainstack endpoint. For this tutorial, we will use the testnet:

import { Config } from '@ton/blueprint';

export const config: Config = {
    network: {
        endpoint: '',
        type: 'testnet',
        version: 'v2',
        // key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

To ensure the contracts are set up properly, compile and run the tests using the following commands:

npx blueprint build
npx blueprint test



In this section, we will update the minter contract to include a capped supply and token price functionality.

Step 1: Adding capped supply and price fields

In the contract storage, we will add two new fields, capped_supply and price. Here is the updated load_data and save_data functions:

(int, int, int, slice, cell, cell) load_data() inline {
    slice ds = get_data().begin_parse();
    return (
            ds~load_coins(), ;; total_supply
            ds~load_coins(), ;; capped_supply
            ds~load_uint(32), ;; price
            ds~load_msg_addr(), ;; admin_address
            ds~load_ref(), ;; content
            ds~load_ref() ;; jetton_wallet_code

() save_data(int total_supply, int capped_supply, int price, slice admin_address, cell content, cell jetton_wallet_code) impure inline {
            .store_uint(price, 32)

Step 2: Updating function calls

Since we have updated the mentioned functions, we now need to update their calls with the respective parameters. Here is an example of the updated getters:

(int, int, slice, cell, cell) get_jetton_data() method_id {
    (int total_supply, _, _, slice admin_address, cell content, cell jetton_wallet_code) = load_data();
    return (total_supply, -1, admin_address, content, jetton_wallet_code);

slice get_wallet_address(slice owner_address) method_id {
    (_, _, _, _, _, cell jetton_wallet_code) = load_data();
    return calculate_user_jetton_wallet_address(owner_address, my_address(), jetton_wallet_code);

(int, int) get_supply_price() method_id {
    (_, int capped_supply, int price, _, _, _) = load_data();
    return (capped_supply, price);

Step 3: Enforcing capped supply and token price in minting

To prevent minting more than the capped supply and ensure that the correct price is applied, we need to modify the recv_internal function. We will:

  1. Calculate the number of jettons based on the amount of TON sent.
  2. Ensure the total minted supply does not exceed the capped supply.

Please note that we need to calculate the buy amount to reserve some TON for storage in the Jetton wallet contract.

    if (op == op::mint()) {
        slice to_address = in_msg_body~load_msg_addr();

        int buy_amount = msg_value - min_tons_for_storage;
        int jetton_amount = muldiv(buy_amount, 1, price);

        ;; Check if minting exceeds the capped supply
        throw_unless(256, total_supply + jetton_amount <= capped_supply);

        var mint_request = begin_cell()
                        .store_uint(op::internal_transfer(), 32)
                        .store_uint(0, 64)
                        .store_coins(jetton_amount) ;; max 124 bit
                        .store_uint(0, 2) ;; from_address, addr_none$00
                        .store_slice(my_address()) ;; response_address, 3 + 8 + 256 = 267 bit
                        .store_coins(0) ;; forward_amount, 4 bit if zero
                        .store_uint(0, 1) ;; no forward_payload, 1 bit

        mint_tokens(to_address, jetton_wallet_code, min_tons_for_storage, mint_request);
        save_data(total_supply + jetton_amount, capped_supply, price, admin_address, content, jetton_wallet_code);
        return ();



Minter wrapper

Note that in this tutorial, we will only work with the Jetton Minter wrapper.

Next, we will update the wrapper to include the new capped supply and token price functionality. The wrapper will provide functions to retrieve and manipulate these fields.

Step 1: Updating minter config

We need to update the configuration type in JettonMinter.ts to include the new fields capped_supply and price.

export type JettonMinterConfig = {
    admin: Address;
    jetton_content: Cell | JettonMinterContent;
    wallet_code: Cell;
    capped_supply: bigint;
    price: bigint;

export function jettonMinterConfigToCell(config: JettonMinterConfig): Cell {
    const content = config.jetton_content instanceof Cell ? config.jetton_content : jettonContentToCell(config.jetton_content);

    return beginCell()
                      .storeUint(config.price, 32)

Step 2: Updating minting message

In this version, we are packing the jetton minting message within the minter contract itself. This means that our interface now composes a simple message containing the TON amount and the recipient's address.

    static mintMessage(from: Address, to: Address, query_id: number | bigint = 0) {
        return beginCell().storeUint(, 32).storeUint(query_id, 64) // op, queryId

    async sendMint(provider: ContractProvider, via: Sender, to: Address, forward_ton_amount: bigint, total_ton_amount: bigint) {
        if(total_ton_amount < forward_ton_amount) {
            throw new Error("Total ton amount should be > forward amount");
        await provider.internal(via, {
            sendMode: SendMode.PAY_GAS_SEPARATELY,
            body: JettonMinter.mintMessage(this.address, to),
            value: total_ton_amount

Step 3: Updating getters

As we added new propertes, the getters also must be updated. Note that we modified getJettonData and added getTokenPrice.

    async getJettonData(provider: ContractProvider) {
        const res = await provider.get('get_jetton_data', []);

        const totalSupply = res.stack.readBigNumber();
        const mintable = res.stack.readBoolean();
        const adminAddress = res.stack.readAddress();
        const content = res.stack.readCell();
        const walletCode = res.stack.readCell();

        return {

    async getWalletAddress(provider: ContractProvider, owner: Address): Promise<Address> {
        const res = await provider.get('get_wallet_address', [{
            type: 'slice',
            cell: beginCell().storeAddress(owner).endCell()

        return res.stack.readAddress()

    async getSupplyPrice(provider: ContractProvider) {
        const res = await provider.get('get_supply_price', []);

        const cappedSupply = res.stack.readBigNumber();
        const price = res.stack.readBigNumber();

        return {


We will add test cases to verify that the capped supply and token price functionality work as expected.

Step 1: Testing minting within capped supply

This test verifies jetton minting based on the TON sent, ensuring the correct jetton amount is minted and updates both user balance and total supply accordingly.

    it('should mint correct amount of jettons based on the sent TON amount', async () => {
        // Calculate costs of minting
        const jettonsToPurchase = (await jettonMinter.getSupplyPrice()).cappedSupply;
        const jettonsCost = jettonsToPurchase * price;
        const amountToSend = jettonsCost + toNano('1');  // Assuming 1 TON for storage fees
        const forwardFee = toNano('0.01');
        const expectedMintedJettons = jettonsCost / price;

        // Retrieve initial balance and supply
        const userJettonWallet = await userWallet(user.address);
        const initUserJettonBalance = await userJettonWallet.getJettonBalance();
        const initJettonSupply = (await jettonMinter.getJettonData()).totalSupply;

        // Send the minting message
        const res = await jettonMinter.sendMint(

        // Verify the transaction
            on: userJettonWallet.address,
            op: Op.internal_transfer,
            success: true,
            deploy: true

        // Verify that the user's minted jettons match the expected amount
        const currentUserJettonBalance = await userJettonWallet.getJettonBalance();
        const mintedUserJettons = currentUserJettonBalance - initUserJettonBalance;

        // Verify that the total supply matches the expected amount of minted jettons
        const updatedTotalSupply = (await jettonMinter.getJettonData()).totalSupply;
        const mintedTotalSupply = updatedTotalSupply - initJettonSupply;


Step 2: Testing minting above capped supply

This test checks that minting beyond the capped supply fails, verifying that the transaction is aborted with the correct exit code.

    it('should not mint more than capped supply', async () => {
        // Calculate costs of minting
        const jettonsToPurchase = (await jettonMinter.getSupplyPrice()).cappedSupply + 1n;
        const jettonsCost = jettonsToPurchase * price;
        const amountToSend = jettonsCost + toNano('1');  // Assuming 1 TON for storage fees
        const forwardFee = toNano('0.01');

        // Send the minting message
        const res = await jettonMinter.sendMint(

        // Verify the transaction
            from: user.address,
            to: jettonMinter.address,
            aborted: true, // High exit codes are considered to be fatal
            exitCode: 256,

To test the contracts using Sandbox, run the command:

npx blueprint test


In the scripts folder, updatedeployJettonMinter.ts with the capped_supply and price properties:

import {toNano} from '@ton/core';
import {JettonMinter} from '../wrappers/JettonMinter';
import {compile, NetworkProvider} from '@ton/blueprint';
import {jettonWalletCodeFromLibrary, promptUrl, promptUserFriendlyAddress} from "../wrappers/ui-utils";

export async function run(provider: NetworkProvider) {
    const isTestnet = !== 'mainnet';

    const ui = provider.ui();
    const jettonWalletCodeRaw = await compile('JettonWallet');

    const adminAddress = await promptUserFriendlyAddress("Enter the address of the jetton owner (admin):", ui, isTestnet);

    const jettonMetadataUri = await promptUrl("Enter jetton metadata uri (", ui)

    const jettonWalletCode = jettonWalletCodeFromLibrary(jettonWalletCodeRaw);

    const minter ={
            admin: adminAddress.address,
            wallet_code: jettonWalletCode,
            jetton_content: {type: 1, uri: jettonMetadataUri},
            capped_supply: 1000n,
            price: toNano('0.01')
        await compile('JettonMinter'))

    await minter.sendDeploy(provider.sender(), toNano("1.5")); // send 1.5 TON

The metadata JSON must have the following format with the image data having base64-encoded value:

   "name": "Example Token",
   "description": "Official token",
   "symbol": "EXTO",
   "decimals": 9,
   "image_data": "4bWxuczPHN2ZyB0..."

To deploy the contracts to the testnet, run the command:

npx blueprint run


We walked through the customization of the Jetton token standard on TON, focusing on key update steps using Blueprint and Sandbox. The process involved updating the minter contract, its wrapper, and the associated tests.

About author

Anton Sauchyk

🥑 Developer Advocate @ Chainstack
💻 Multiple years of software development and Web3 expertise. Creator of the open-source Compare Dashboard for RPC provider performance benchmarking. Core contributor to the DevEx team’s trading bot. Author of technical tutorials on EVM blockchains, Solana, TON and Elastic Subgraphs.