Trader nodes


Trader nodes (aka Warp transactions) propagate your transactions through the high-speed bloXroute transaction relay network.

With the Trader nodes setting on, your transactions will be distributed in the protocol mempool through the high-speed transaction relay network. This will make your transaction be available for the validators to pick up and include in the block much faster than with the regular mempool propagation.

Sample scenario

The use cases are numerous, but here's a sample one:

  • Liquidity is deployed on a chain
  • You get a signal on the deployed liquidity through third-party monitoring systems
  • On the signal, your bot acts on the liquidity (e.g. does a purchase transaction) and the transaction is immediately propagated to the global mempool through the Chainstack trader node for any validator node to pick it up
  • Once your transaction is committed by a validator to a block, you win the race thanks to the Chainstack trader node propagation

For best results and reduced latency, deploy a Trader node with Chainstack in the location nearest to your bot.


The Trader nodes feature is available starting from the Growth plan for the following protocols:

  • Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • BNB Smart Chain

There is a number of monthly allocated Trader node transactions included in the plan. Each extra Warp transaction consumed is billed separately. For details, see Pricing.

Make sure you don't get strapped with the pay-as-you-go setting.


Under the hood, a Warp transaction is a transaction sent to your node with the eth_sendRawTransaction method. For example, if you send your transaction with your MetaMask connected to a Chainstack node, the transaction will be sent using eth_sendRawTransaction.

With the Trader nodes setting on, only eth_sendRawTransaction transactions are consumed as Warp transactions. Other requests to the node are consumed as regular requests.