Solana Trader nodes


The Chainstack Solana Trader nodes offer the following benefits:

  • All requests, except sendTransaction, go through the highly reliable & balanced Chainstack Solana node. The sendTransaction request is routed through the bloXroute Trader API.
  • No need to craft custom transaction instructions or change your regular trading setup if it's using standard Solana nodes.
  • All sendTransaction requests (i.e., all transactions) are sent to the current leader through a staked validator connection, guaranteeing 100% landing.
  • 100% landing rate for transactions.
  • 40% of transactions land in the first two blocks.
  • Front-running protection is not enabled, as it would reduce transaction processing speed.
  • You can use priority fees to increase the chances of getting earlier placement within a block and in earlier blocks.

No need for custom setups

If you have a trading project setup that's using regular Solana nodes, to transform your project to a high-speed one with all the benefits, all you need to do is swap the Solana node endpoint to the Chainstack Trader node endpoint.

Just doing that will immediately have your project have 100% transaction landing rate, 40% within the first two blocks and so on.

All your project requests will be going through the Chainstack Solana nodes with the exception of the sendTransaction requests that will be routed through the bloXroute infrastructure.

This means that you get the best of both worlds at zero additional effort from you:

  • If you were using bloXroute alone, you'd have to craft your custom non-standard transaction that'd have to include instructions for memos and tips to successfully propagate and land through bloXroute.
  • If you were using a regular Solana node setup, you'd get no benefits of bloXroute solution.

100% landing rate

Transactions get the 100% landing rate as they are submitted through some of the biggest SwQoS Solana validators.

You can read more on what SwQoS is: A Guide to Stake-weighted Quality of Service on Solana.

And check the bloXroute SwQoS infrastructure: What are the benefits of sending transactions through bloXroute Solana Trader API.

Speed metrics

The speed metrics are tricky, especially on an extremely fast chain like Solana. These are easily influenced by latency (e.g., how far your bot is from the actual node and routing gate location), priority fees, and so on.

Note that the metrics below are done without high priority fees to provide you with a base expectation to work from.

That said, here's some of the rough metrics that you can start with:

  • 75% of the transactions are included in less than 5 blocks:
    • 37% within 2 blocks
    • 79% within 4 blocks
    • 95% within 6 blocks
    • 98% within 8 blocks
    • 99% within 10 blocks
    • 100% within 14 blocks

Again, keep in mind that you can greatly impact these numbers with your trading project actual location and priority fees.

No front running protection

The transactions do not have the front running protection enabled. Enabling front running protection would limit the number validators that can get the transaction (to protect it from front running), which in turn will delay the transaction.

Not to sacrifice the speed, the front running protection is disabled.

That said, utilizing the bloXroute infrastructure for your transactions puts in you in the very top of users and greatly reduces the front running opportunities for your adversaries.

Priority fees for extra speed

Using priority fees increases your chances of being included in the first two blocks, including getting in the first block and getting early in order of transactions in the block.

You can also check our guides for priority fees: