Deploying a hybrid network


Deprecation notice

Consortium networks have been deprecated. This guide is for historical reference.

This section will guide you through the hybrid deployment of a MultiChain network.

By the end of the section, you will have your MultiChain nodes from the same network running in cloud and on-premises.


  • A Chainstack account
  • A supported operating system for the MultiChain on-premises deployment:
    • Linux 64-bit: Ubuntu 12.04+, CentOS 6.2+, Debian 7+, Fedora 15+, RHEL 6.2+
    • Windows 64-bit: Windows 7, 8, 10, Server 2008, or later
    • Mac 64-bit: OS X 10.11 or later
  • System requirements for the MultiChain on-premises deployment:
    • 512MB of RAM
    • 1GB of disk space


To deploy a hybrid MultiChain network, do the following:

  1. With Chainstack, create a consortium project project.
  2. With Chainstack, deploy a MultiChain network in cloud.
  3. With Chainstack, get your cloud MultiChain node access and credentials.
  4. On-premises, install MultiChain.
  5. On-premises, initialize your MultiChain node.
  6. From your cloud MultiChain node, grant permissions to your on-premises MultiChain node's wallet address.
  7. From your cloud MultiChain node, add your on-premises MultiChain node to the network.
  8. From your on-premises MultiChain node, connect to the MultiChain network.


Create a consortium project

See Create a project.

Deploy a MultiChain network

See Deploy a consortium network.

Get your cloud MultiChain node access and credentials

See View node access details.

Install MultiChain on-premises

On your on-premises machine, install MultiChain.

See MultiChain 2.0: Download and Install MultiChain.

Initialize your on-premises MultiChain node

On your on-premises machine, attempt to connect to the cloud node to initialize your on-premises node.


multichaind CHAIN_NAME@HOSTNAME:PORT -daemon


  • CHAIN_NAME — your cloud MultiChain network chain name. See Default chain name.
  • HOSTNAME — your cloud MultiChain node hostname
    • Get your RPC hostname under Access and credentials as part of RPC endpoint.
    • Get your Organization ID on your Organization Settings page.
    • Combine them using the following format:
  • PORT — your cloud MultiChain node port. Always use the default value 7447.

Command example:

multichaind [email protected]:7447 -daemon

As a result of running the command, you will have:

  • An initialized on-premises node
  • Your on-premises node's wallet address

Output example:

MultiChain 2.0.2 Daemon (Community Edition, latest protocol 20010)

Starting up node...

Retrieving blockchain parameters from the seed node ...
Blockchain successfully initialized.

Please ask blockchain admin or user having activate permission to let you connect and/or transact:
multichain-cli nw-123-456-7 grant 14SW7RsdNbktZxkTSzi52iLvXviHyPebqCaW1q connect
multichain-cli nw-123-456-7 grant 14SW7RsdNbktZxkTSzi52iLvXviHyPebqCaW1q connect,send,receive

Grant permissions to your on-premises MultiChain node

For information on how to connect to and interact with a MultiChain node, see MultiChain tooling.

On your on-premises machine, grant your on-premises MultiChain node's wallet address with the grant method and the following permissions:

  • connect
  • send
  • receive


You need to send the grant request through your first deployed node.

Sending a curl request from terminal:

curl RPC_ENDPOINT -u "RPC_USER:RPC_PASSWORD" -d '{"method":"grant","params":["WALLET_ADDRESS","connect,send,receive"],"id":1}'


  • RPC_ENDPOINT — your cloud MultiChain node RPC endpoint. Available under Access and credentials > RPC endpoint.
  • RPC_USER — your cloud MultiChain node RPC username. Available under Access and credentials > RPC username.
  • RPC_PASSWORD — your cloud MultiChain node RPC password. Available under Access and credentials > RPC password.
  • WALLET_ADDRESS — your on-premises MultiChain node's wallet address. You received the wallet address when you initialized your on-premises node.

Command example:

curl -u "user-name:pass-word-pass-word-pass-word" -d '{"method":"grant","params":["14SW7RsdNbktZxkTSzi52iLvXviHyPebqCaW1q","connect,send,receive"],"id":1}'

Output example:


Add your on-premises MultiChain node to the network

On your on-premises machine, add your on-premises MultiChain node to the network with the addnode method.

Sending a curl request from the terminal:

curl RPC_ENDPOINT -u "RPC_USER:RPC_PASSWORD" -d '{"method":"addnode","params":["ON_PREM_IP:PORT","add"],"id":2}'


  • RPC_ENDPOINT — your cloud MultiChain node RPC endpoint. Available under Access and credentials > RPC endpoint.
  • RPC_USER — your cloud MultiChain node RPC username. Available under Access and credentials > RPC username.
  • RPC_PASSWORD — your cloud MultiChain node RPC password. Available under Access and credentials > RPC password.
  • ON_PREM_IP — your on-premises MultiChain node machine's IP address
  • PORT — your on-premises MultiChain node machine's port

Command example:

curl -u "user-name:pass-word-pass-word-pass-word" -d '{"method":"addnode","params":["","add"],"id":2}'

Connect to the MultiChain network

On your on-premises machine, connect to the MultiChain network. Run:

multichaind CHAIN_NAME@HOSTNAME:PORT -daemon


  • CHAIN_NAME — your cloud MultiChain network chain name. See Default chain name.
  • HOSTNAME — your cloud MultiChain node hostname
    • Get your RPC hostname under Access and credentials as part of RPC endpoint.
    • Get your Organization ID on your Organization Settings page.
    • Combine them using the following format:
  • PORT — your cloud MultiChain node port. Always use the default value 7447.

Command example:

multichaind [email protected]:7447 -daemon

Interact from any node

Now that the MultiChain network is running in a hybrid environment, you can interact with it.

You can interact through your on-premises node or your cloud node.

Enter multichain-cli interactive mode through your on-premises node

Enter interactive mode:

multichain-cli CHAIN_NAME


Command example:

multichain-cli nw-123-456-7

After entering the interactive mode, send any command. For example, getinfo to get the node and blockchain information:

nw-123-456-7: getinfo

Example output:


    "version" : "2.0.2",
    "nodeversion" : 20002901,
    "protocolversion" : 20004,
    "chainname" : "nw-123-456-7",
    "description" : "My Network",
    "protocol" : "multichain",
    "port" : 7447,
    "setupblocks" : 60,
    "nodeaddress" : "[email protected]:7447",
    "burnaddress" : "1XXXXXXX24XXXXXXoiXXXXXXegXXXXXXURq4HJ",
    "incomingpaused" : false,
    "miningpaused" : false,
    "offchainpaused" : false,
    "walletversion" : 60000,
    "balance" : 0,
    "walletdbversion" : 3,
    "reindex" : false,
    "blocks" : 70,
    "timeoffset" : 0,
    "connections" : 2,
    "proxy" : "",
    "difficulty" : 5.96046447753906e-8,
    "testnet" : false,
    "keypoololdest" : 1560923993,
    "keypoolsize" : 2,
    "paytxfee" : 0,
    "relayfee" : 0,
    "errors" : ""

Run any MultiChain JSON-RPC command.

Send commands to your cloud node

Send getinfo to get the node and blockchain information:

curl -u "user-name:pass-word-pass-word-pass-word" -d '{"method":"getinfo","params":[],"id":1}'

Example output:

{"result":{"version":"2.0","nodeversion":20000901,"protocolversion":20004,"chainname":"nw-123-456-7","description":"My Network","protocol":"multichain","port":7447,"setupblocks":60,"nodeaddress":"[email protected]:7447","burnaddress":"1XXXXXXX24XXXXXXoiXXXXXXegXXXXXXURq4HJ","incomingpaused":false,"miningpaused":false,"offchainpaused":false,"walletversion":60000,"balance":0,"walletdbversion":3,"reindex":false,"blocks":81,"timeoffset":0,"connections":3,"proxy":"","difficulty":5.96046447753906e-8,"testnet":false,"keypoololdest":1561618750,"keypoolsize":2,"paytxfee":0,"relayfee":0,"errors":""},"error":null,"id":3}

Send any MultiChain JSON-RPC command.