Interact with your Polygon node using Bor.
Install Bor.
geth attach
command with the node endpoint.
where YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT — your node HTTPS or WSS endpoint protected either with the key or password. See node access details.
- Invoke any methods from Web3 JavaScript API.
Example below demonstrates how to get the balance of an address in wei value and convert it to ether value:
> web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance("0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae"))
You can also use the Bor client Docker container.
You can use GraphQL on a dedicated node on the paid plans.
You can query data using the graphical interface.
- On Chainstack, navigate to your dedicated Polygon node. See node access details.
- Hover over GraphQL IDE URL and click Open.
- In the graphical interface that opens, run a GraphQL query.
Example to get the latest block number:
{ block { number } }
You can build a web app to query data using node.js and axios:
const axios = require('axios');
const main = async () => {
try {
const result = await axios.post(
query: `
{ block { number } }
} catch(error) {
- YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT — your node GraphQL endpoint protected either with the key or password. See node access details.
— your GraphQL query. In this case, to get the latest block number.
See also Using GraphQL with EVM-compatible nodes.
On node access details, click Add to MetaMask.
Configure Truffle Suite to deploy contracts to your Polygon nodes.
Install Truffle Suite, HD Wallet-enabled Web3 provider, and create a project.
Create a new environment in
, add your mnemonic phrase generated by a wallet and the Polygon endpoint instead of YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT:const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider"); const mnemonic = 'pattern enroll upgrade ...'; module.exports = { networks: { chainstack: { provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, "YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT"), network_id: "*" }, } } };
Configure Hardhat to deploy contracts and interact through your Polygon nodes.
Install Hardhat and create a project.
Create a new environment in
:require("@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle"); module.exports = { solidity: "0.7.3", networks: { chainstack: { url: "YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT", accounts: ["YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"] }, } };where
- YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT — your node HTTPS or WSS endpoint protected either with the key or password. See node access details.
- YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY — the private key of the account that you use to deploy the contract
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network chainstack
and Hardhat will deploy using Chainstack.
See also Forking EVM-compatible mainnet with Hardhat.
Remix IDE
To make Remix IDE interact with the network through a Chainstack node:
- Get MetaMask and set it to interact through a Chainstack node. See Interacting through MetaMask.
- In Remix IDE, navigate to the Deploy tab. Select Injected Provider - MetaMask in Environment.
This will engage MetaMask and make Remix IDE interact with the network through a Chainstack node.
Build DApps using web3.js and Polygon nodes deployed with Chainstack.
- Install web3.js.
- Connect over HTTP or WebSocket.
Use the HttpProvider
object to connect to your node HTTPS endpoint and get the latest block number:
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT'));
where YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT is your node HTTPS endpoint protected either with the key or password.
Use the WebsocketProvider
object to connect to your node WSS endpoint and get the latest block number:
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT'));
where YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT is your node WSS endpoint protected either with the key or password.
Build DApps using web3.py and Polygon nodes deployed with Chainstack.
- Install web3.py.
- Connect over HTTP or WebSocket. See also EVM node connection: HTTP vs WebSocket.
Use the HTTPProvider
to connect to your node endpoint and get the latest block number.
from web3 import Web3
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT'))
from web3 import Web3
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('https://%s:%s@%s'% ("USERNAME", "PASSWORD", "HOSTNAME")))
- YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT — your node HTTPS endpoint protected either with the key or password
- HOSTNAME — your node HTTPS endpoint hostname
- USERNAME — your node access username (for password-protected endpoints)
- PASSWORD — your node access password (for password-protected endpoints)
See also node access details.
Use the WebsocketProvider
object to connect to your node WSS endpoint and get the latest block number.
from web3 import Web3
web3 = Web3(Web3.WebsocketProvider('YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT'))
from web3 import Web3
web3 = Web3(Web3.WebsocketProvider('wss://%s:%s@%s'% ("USERNAME", "PASSWORD", "HOSTNAME")))
- YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT — your node WSS endpoint protected either with the key or password
- HOSTNAME — your node WSS endpoint hostname
- USERNAME — your node access username (for password-protected endpoints)
- PASSWORD — your node access password (for password-protected endpoints)
See also WebSocket connection to an EVM node.
Build DApps using web3.php and Polygon nodes deployed with Chainstack.
Install web3.php.
Connect over HTTP:
<?php require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; use Web3\Web3; use Web3\Providers\HttpProvider; use Web3\RequestManagers\HttpRequestManager; $web3 = new Web3(new HttpProvider(new HttpRequestManager("YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT", 5))); ?>where YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT is your node HTTPS endpoint protected either with the key or password
Use JSON-RPC methods to interact with the node.
Example to get the latest block number:
<?php require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; use Web3\Web3; use Web3\Providers\HttpProvider; use Web3\RequestManagers\HttpRequestManager; $web3 = new Web3(new HttpProvider(new HttpRequestManager("YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT", 5))); $eth = $web3->eth; $eth->blockNumber(function ($err, $data) { print "$data \n"; }); ?>
Build DApps using web3j and Polygon nodes deployed with Chainstack.
Use the HttpService
object to connect to your node endpoint.
Example to get the latest block number:
package getLatestBlock;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.web3j.protocol.Web3j;
import org.web3j.protocol.core.DefaultBlockParameterName;
import org.web3j.protocol.core.methods.response.EthBlock;
import org.web3j.protocol.exceptions.ClientConnectionException;
import org.web3j.protocol.http.HttpService;
import okhttp3.Authenticator;
import okhttp3.Credentials;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.Response;
import okhttp3.Route;
public final class App {
private static final String USERNAME = "USERNAME";
private static final String PASSWORD = "PASSWORD";
private static final String ENDPOINT = "ENDPOINT";
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
OkHttpClient.Builder clientBuilder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
clientBuilder.authenticator(new Authenticator() {
public Request authenticate(Route route, Response response) throws IOException {
String credential = Credentials.basic(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
return response.request().newBuilder().header("Authorization", credential).build();
HttpService service = new HttpService(RPC_ENDPOINT, clientBuilder.build(), false);
Web3j web3 = Web3j.build(service);
EthBlock.Block latestBlock = web3.ethGetBlockByNumber(DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST, false).send().getBlock();
System.out.println("Latest Block: #" + latestBlock.getNumber());
} catch (IOException | ClientConnectionException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(App.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
- ENDPOINT — your node HTTPS endpoint protected either with the key or password
- USERNAME — your node access username (for password-protected endpoints)
- PASSWORD — your node access password (for password-protected endpoints)
See also the full code on GitHub.
Build DApps using ethers.js and Polygon nodes deployed with Chainstack.
- Install ethers.js.
- Connect over HTTP or WebSocket. See also EVM node connection: HTTP vs WebSocket.
Use the JsonRpcProvider
object to connect to your node endpoint and get the latest block number:
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
var urlInfo = {
var provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(urlInfo, NETWORK_ID);
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
var urlInfo = {
user: 'USERNAME',
password: 'PASSWORD'
var provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(urlInfo, NETWORK_ID);
- YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT — your node HTTPS endpoint protected either with the key or password
- USERNAME — your node access username (for password-protected endpoints)
- PASSWORD — your node access password (for password-protected endpoints)
- NETWORK_ID — Polygon network ID:
- Mainnet:
- Mumbai testnet:
- Mainnet:
See also node access details.
Use the WebSocketProvider
object to connect to your node WSS endpoint and get the latest block number:
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const provider = new ethers.providers.WebSocketProvider('YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT', NETWORK_ID);
- YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT — your node WSS endpoint endpoint protected either with the key or password
- NETWORK_ID — Polygon network ID:
- Mainnet:
- Mumbai testnet:
- Mainnet:
See also node access details.
Install Brownie.
Use the
brownie networks add
command with the node endpoint:brownie networks add Polygon ID name="NETWORK_NAME" host= YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT chainid=NETWORK_IDwhere
- ID — any name that you will use as the network tag to run a deployment. For example,
. - NETWORK_NAME — any name that you want to identify the network by in the list of networks. For example, Mainnet (Chainstack).
- YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT — your node HTTPS or WSS endpoint protected either with the key or password
- NETWORK_ID — Polygon network ID:
- Mainnet:
- Mumbai testnet:
- Mainnet:
- ID — any name that you will use as the network tag to run a deployment. For example,
Example to run the deployment script:
brownie run deploy.py --network chainstack-mainnet
- Install Foundry.
- Use
to run the operation through your Chainstack node.
Use forge to develop, test, and deploy your smart contracts.
To deploy a contract:
- CONTRACT_NAME — name of the contract in the Solidity source code
- CONTRACT_PATH — path to your smart contract
- YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY — the private key to your funded account that you will use to deploy the contract
- YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT — your node HTTPS endpoint protected either with the key or password
Use cast to interact with the network and the deployed contracts.
To get the latest block number:
cast block-number --rpc-url YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT
where YOUR_CHAINSTACK_ENDPOINT is your node HTTPS endpoint protected either with the key or password
Updated about 22 hours ago