getchaintxstats | Bitcoin

The getchaintxstats method computes statistics about the total number and rate of transactions in the blockchain up to a specified block height or hash.


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  • nblocks (required) — the time frame in blocks to which to compute the statistics.
  • blockhash (required) — the block hash up to which to compute the statistics.


  • result — an object containing statistics about the total number and rate of transactions in the chain up to the specified block.
  • error — an object containing an error message if an error occurred, otherwise null.
  • id — an integer representing the ID of the request, used to match requests with responses.

Use case

The getchaintxstats method is useful for analyzing the transaction activity and growth of the blockchain up to a specific block. It provides valuable insights into the transaction volume and rate within the chain, aiding in blockchain analysis and monitoring.

Try the getchaintxstats RPC method yourself

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