Committees by state, epoch, index, and slot


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The eth/v1/beacon/states/{state_id}/committees method is a significant API endpoint in the Ethereum Beacon Chain. It provides comprehensive information about the committees for a given state. In the context of Ethereum, committees are groups of validators assigned to specific duties, such as proposing and attesting to blocks. Understanding the composition and assignments of these committees is crucial for validators and network participants, as it impacts their roles and responsibilities in the network's consensus process.


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  • {state_id}: This parameter specifies the state identifier for which the committee information is being requested. It can be a specific slot number, an epoch number, a block root, or special values like 'genesis' or 'head'.


  • array β€” list of committee objects.
    • Each object in the array represents a committee at the specified state, containing:
      • index β€” the index or identifier of the committee. This is used to distinguish different committees within the same epoch or state.
      • slot β€” the slot number at which the committee is assigned duties. Slots are discrete time intervals in the Beacon Chain when various operations occur.
      • validators β€” a list of validator indices that are members of this committee. These indices identify the specific validators assigned to the committee's duties.

The eth/v1/beacon/states/{state_id}/committees method is vital for validators and network operators in the Ethereum ecosystem. It provides essential insights into how validators are grouped into committees and assigned duties, which is fundamental to the network's operation and security.

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