lookupBlock | TON v2

The lookupBlock method retrieves detailed information about a specific block in the TON blockchain. This method allows you to query block data by specifying the workchain, shard, and sequence number of the block.


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JSON-RPC example

curl -X POST \
  'https://ton-mainnet.core.chainstack.com/f2a2411bce1e54a2658f2710cd7969c3/api/v2/jsonRPC' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "lookupBlock",
    "params": {
      "workchain": -1,
      "shard": "-9223372036854775808",
      "seqno": 39064874


  • workchain (integer, required) — The ID of the workchain. Example: -1 for the masterchain.
  • shard (string, required) — The ID of the shard. Example: "-9223372036854775808" for the masterchain.
  • seqno (integer, required) — The sequence number of the block. Example: 39064874.


  • id (object) — The identifier of the block, containing:
    • workchain (integer) — The workchain ID of the block.
    • shard (string) — The shard ID of the block.
    • seqno (integer) — The sequence number of the block.
    • root_hash (string) — The root hash of the block.
    • file_hash (string) — The file hash of the block.
  • status (integer) — The status of the block.
  • global_id (integer) — The global ID of the block.
  • version (integer) — The version of the block.
  • after_merge (boolean) — Whether the block was created after a merge.
  • before_split (boolean) — Whether the block was created before a split.
  • want_merge (boolean) — Whether the block wants to merge.
  • want_split (boolean) — Whether the block wants to split.
  • gen_utime (integer) — The generation time of the block.
  • start_lt (string) — The start logical time of the block.
  • end_lt (string) — The end logical time of the block.

Use case

A possible use case for the lookupBlock method in TON is for blockchain explorers, analytical tools, or any application that needs detailed information about specific blocks. This method can be used to:

  1. Display detailed block information in a block explorer.
  2. Analyze block characteristics for research or optimization purposes.
  3. Verify block properties in custom validation processes.
  4. Track the evolution of the blockchain by examining block metadata over time.

Try the lookupBlock RPC method yourself

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