Best practices handbook
The following guides focus on implementing best practices for building secure and efficient decentralized applications (DApps).
They cover a range of essential topics, and by following these best practices, developers can create DApps that not only meet their functional requirements but also provide a reliable and secure experience for end-users, contributing to a more robust decentralized ecosystem.
Guides list
- HTTP batch request VS multicall contract
- How to store your Web3 DApp secrets: Guide to environment variables
- Goerli ➡️ Sepolia transition
- Introduction to smart contract auditing using Foundry
- Web3 node.js: From zero to a full-fledged project
- Get the most out of Chainstack platform API
- Understanding eth_getLogs limitations
- Monitoring transaction propagation from node to mempool in EVM networks with Python
- Handle real-time data using WebSocket with JavaScript and Python
- Make your DApp more reliable with Chainstack
- Best practices for error handling in API requests
- Mastering multithreading in Python for Web3 requests: A comprehensive guide
- Authentication methods available on Chainstack
- Scaling your DApp with Kubernetes: A comprehensive guide
- Navigating the Web3 landscape: How to choose the right blockchain network for your DApp
- Ethereum: BUIDLing a redundant event listener with ethers and web3.js
- Ethereum: How to set up a redundant event listener with Python
Updated 10 months ago