Solana: Analyzing adjacent transactions for priority fees
This guide shows you how to analyze transaction priority fees for transactions adjacent to your target transaction on Solana. This is particularly useful when developing trading strategies or troubleshooting transaction execution on programs like
What the script in this tutorial does is look for transactions adjacent to the one you specify (usually your own) and checks all other transactions involving the same program and prints the priority fees in the same block and the adjacent blocks to easily see how your particular transaction stacks up and how you can tune it to win more races.
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- Python 3.7+
- Packages:
pip install solana base58
Understanding Solana fees
The recommended reading list:
- How to use Priority Fees to unlock faster transactions
- Estimate Priority Fees with getRecentPrioritizationFees
- Solana Trader nodes
- Or the official Solan docs: Fees on Solana.
If you end up in this specific scenario as outlined in the beginning of the article, here's things that you need to have to get the results:
- A program address that you are interacting with to get the races simply won or tactically won (like trying to get your transaction execution at a certain place in the race instead of trying to be first), or simply how much on an edge you need to be the first. Which you can also do with How to use Priority Fees to unlock faster transactions and Estimate Priority Fees with getRecentPrioritizationFees as mentioned.
- A transaction signature — this can be the signature of your transaction of a transaction of an account that you get through your own humint ways.
The script itself:
from solana.rpc.api import Client
from solana.rpc.commitment import Commitment
from solana.transaction import Signature
import base58
import json
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
PROGRAM_ID = "6EF8rrecthR5Dkzon8Nwu78hRvfCKubJ14M5uBEwF6P"
COMPUTE_BUDGET_ID = "ComputeBudget111111111111111111111111111111"
def get_transaction_slot(client: Client, signature_str: str) -> Optional[int]:
signature_bytes = base58.b58decode(signature_str)
signature = Signature(signature_bytes)
response = client.get_transaction(
if hasattr(response, 'value') and response.value:
return response.value.slot
return None
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error getting transaction slot: {e}")
return None
def calculate_transaction_fees(tx) -> Tuple[float, float]:
total_fee_lamports = tx.meta.fee
total_fee_sol = total_fee_lamports / 1_000_000_000
cu_price_micro_lamports = None
cu_limit = None
for ix in tx.transaction.message.instructions:
program_id = tx.transaction.message.account_keys[ix.program_id_index]
if str(program_id) == COMPUTE_BUDGET_ID:
data = base58.b58decode(
if len(data) >= 9 and data[0] == 3:
cu_price_micro_lamports = int.from_bytes(data[1:9], 'little')
elif len(data) >= 4 and data[0] == 2:
cu_limit = int.from_bytes(data[1:4], 'little')
if cu_price_micro_lamports is not None and cu_limit is not None:
priority_fee_lamports = (cu_price_micro_lamports * cu_limit) // 1_000_000
priority_fee_sol = priority_fee_lamports / 1_000_000_000
priority_fee_sol = 0
return total_fee_sol, priority_fee_sol
def get_block_transactions(client: Client, slot: int, target_signature: str) -> List[tuple]:
response = client.get_block(slot, max_supported_transaction_version=0)
if not response.value:
return []
transactions = []
for tx in response.value.transactions:
if any(str(account) == PROGRAM_ID for account in tx.transaction.message.account_keys):
signature = str(tx.transaction.signatures[0])
total_fee, priority_fee = calculate_transaction_fees(tx)
writable_accounts = []
for idx, account in enumerate(tx.transaction.message.account_keys):
if idx < tx.transaction.message.header.num_required_signatures:
compute_units = tx.meta.compute_units_consumed if hasattr(tx.meta, 'compute_units_consumed') else None
tx_info = {
'signature': signature,
'total_fee': total_fee,
'priority_fee': priority_fee,
'block': slot,
'writable_accounts': writable_accounts,
'compute_units': compute_units
if signature == target_signature:
transactions.insert(0, tx_info)
return transactions
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error getting block transactions for slot {slot}: {e}")
return []
def analyze_slots(rpc_url: str, signature: str, slots_back: int, slots_forward: int):
client = Client(rpc_url)
current_slot = get_transaction_slot(client, signature)
if not current_slot:
print("Could not find transaction slot")
print(f"\nAnalyzing slots {current_slot-slots_back} to {current_slot+slots_forward}")
print("=" * 80)
for slot in range(current_slot - slots_back, current_slot + slots_forward + 1):
transactions = get_block_transactions(client, slot, signature)
print(f"\nSlot {slot}:")
print("-" * 40)
if transactions:
target_tx = None
other_txs = []
for tx in transactions:
if tx['signature'] == signature:
target_tx = tx
other_txs.sort(key=lambda x: x['priority_fee'], reverse=True)
if target_tx:
print("\n" + "⭐️" * 40)
print("⭐️" * 40)
print(f"\nSignature: {target_tx['signature']}")
print(f"Block: {target_tx['block']}")
print(f"{'Total fee:':<15} {target_tx['total_fee']:>12.8f} SOL")
print(f"{'Priority fee:':<15} {target_tx['priority_fee']:>12.8f} SOL")
print(f"{'Base fee:':<15} {(target_tx['total_fee'] - target_tx['priority_fee']):>12.8f} SOL")
print(f"Compute Units: {target_tx['compute_units']}")
print("\nWritable Accounts:")
for account in target_tx['writable_accounts']:
print(f" {account}")
print("⭐️" * 40 + "\n")
if other_txs:
print(f"Other transactions in slot {slot} (sorted by priority fee):")
print("-" * 40)
for tx in other_txs:
print(f"\nSignature: {tx['signature']}")
print(f"Block: {tx['block']}")
print(f"Fee: {tx['total_fee']:.8f} SOL (Priority: {tx['priority_fee']:.8f} SOL)")
print(f"Compute Units: {tx['compute_units']}")
print("Writable Accounts:")
for account in tx['writable_accounts']:
print(f" {account}")
print("-" * 40)
print("No relevant transactions")
def main():
SLOTS_BACK = 1 # Number of slots to check back
SLOTS_FORWARD = 1 # Number of slots to check forward
if __name__ == "__main__":
In the script:
- PROGRAM_ID — set to the executable. Set it to any executable on-chain program you interact with.
- COMPUTE_BUDGET_ID — set to the Solana system program responsible for compute units and fees. We use in the script to find and decode the priority fees.
- RPC_URL — tour Chainstack Solana node endpoint.
- SIGNATURE — the transactions signature (hash) around which you want to analyze similar transactions.
- SLOTS_BACK — number of slots to travel back from the slot where you transaction landed (was included in the block).
- SLOTS_FORWARD — number of slot to travel forward to see who used what fees after you transaction landed.
To use the script, just run python
or whatever you name it.
Example output:
Slot 309220412:
Signature: 3Bd4wJ3pZrPYbhnHpUbZFXfunD2A1dciNx8umhhTEg4KLYmP1nERNbKEbHP9j6K8CcJgdekRi3PhUqVjdsHcsMSA
Block: 309220412
Total fee: 0.00200500 SOL
Priority fee: 0.00200000 SOL
Base fee: 0.00000500 SOL
Compute Units: 57900
Writable Accounts:
Other transactions in slot 309220412 (sorted by priority fee):
Use cases
This tool is particularly useful for:
- Analyzing competitor trading strategies
- Optimizing your own priority fees
- Troubleshooting failed transactions
- Understanding market competition in specific slots
- Developing automated trading systems
Understanding transaction priority fees and their impact on execution is crucial for successful trading on Solana. This tool helps you analyze the competitive landscape and optimize your trading strategy by providing insights into how other traders are setting their priority fees.
For more Solana development tools and guides, see Mastering Solana.
Updated about 2 months ago