blockUnsubscribe | Solana

The blockUnsubscribe method in Solana allows a client to unsubscribe from a specific block subscription. This method can be used to cancel an existing subscription to block updates.

See also blockSubscribe | Solana.


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  • integer - The ID of the subscription that you want to cancel.


  • boolean - A boolean value indicating if the subscription was removed successfully. true if removed successfully, false if not.

blockUnsubscribe code examples


Note that subscriptions require a WebSocket connection. You can use a WebSocket client library for your programming language of choice to interact with Solana's WebSocket API.

# Wait for the connection to be established

Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)

> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"blockUnsubscribe","params":[0]}

These examples demonstrate how to use the blockUnsubscribe method to remove a subscription matching the ID passed as a parameter. Replace 'YOUR_SOLANA_WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT' with your actual Solana WebSocket endpoint URL, and use the correct subscription ID in the params array.