eth_getTransactionByHash | Optimism

Optimism API method eth_getTransactionByHash retrieves information about a transaction given its hash. This method is crucial for tracking transaction details and status.


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  • transactionHash — the hash of the transaction to retrieve.


  • result — an object containing details about the transaction, including the block hash, block number, from address, gas used, gas price, hash, input data, nonce, to address, transaction index, value transferred, and the signature components (v, r, s).

Use case

The eth_getTransactionByHash method is essential for:

  • Wallets and exchanges that track transactions to update user balances and display transaction statuses.
  • DApps that need to verify transaction execution or retrieve transaction inputs for processing.
  • Services that monitor the Optimism network for specific transaction patterns or activities.

Try the eth_getTransactionByHash RPC method yourself

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