zks_getRawBlockTransactions | zkSync Era

zkSync Era API method that returns data of transactions in a specified block. This method allows developers and users to query and retrieve raw transaction data from a specific block on the zkSync network.


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block — the block number for which transactions are to be retrieved. It is a uint32 value indicating the specific block on the zkSync network.


The response provides a structured JSON object that encapsulates detailed transaction data within the specified block. This data is inclusive of both the execution specifics and relevant L1 network information, described as follows:

  • common_data — a structured collection of data common to the transaction being executed. This includes general transaction information and metadata.
    • L1 — details specific to the Layer 1 (Ethereum) network that correlate with the zkSync transaction, comprising:
      • canonicalTxHash — the unique hash identifier of the transaction as recorded on the Ethereum network.
      • deadlineBlock — the last block by which the transaction must be processed on the Ethereum network to remain valid.
      • ethBlock — the specific block number on the Ethereum blockchain in which this transaction was included or referenced.
      • ethHash — the transaction hash on the Ethereum network, serving as a direct link to the transaction's Ethereum footprint.
      • fullFee — the total transaction fee calculated in hexadecimal format, encompassing all associated costs.
      • gasLimit — the upper cap on the gas that can be consumed by the transaction, denoted in hexadecimal format.
      • gasPerPubdataLimit — the cost of gas per byte of public data included in the transaction, also in hexadecimal format.
      • layer2TipFee — an optional tip fee for prioritizing the transaction on the zkSync network, represented in hexadecimal.
      • maxFeePerGas — the maximum amount (in Wei, the smallest ETH unit) that the sender is willing to pay per unit of gas, noted in hexadecimal.
      • opProcessingType — indicates the processing approach used for the transaction, distinguishing between standard and priority operations.
      • priorityQueueType — identifies the queue type for prioritized transactions, if applicable.
      • refundRecipient — the address designated to receive any refunds that may arise from the transaction process.
      • sender — the Ethereum address initiating the transaction.
      • serialId — a sequential identifier assigned to the transaction, facilitating tracking and management.
      • toMint — specifies an address, if any, where new tokens are minted as a result of the transaction.
  • execute — contains execution-specific information about the transaction, outlined as follows:
    • calldata — the encoded data sent with the transaction for interacting with smart contracts, formatted in hexadecimal.
    • contractAddress — the address of the smart contract being called or interacted with in the transaction.
    • factoryDeps — an array of dependencies required for the contract's execution, relevant in complex transactions or deployments.
    • value — the amount in Wei transferred or involved in the transaction, expressed in hexadecimal.
  • received_timestamp_ms — records the precise moment (in milliseconds since the Unix epoch) when the system received the transaction data, providing a timestamp for data entry.

Use Case

A developer could integrate zks_getRawBlockTransactions into a real-time financial tracking app to alert users of high-value transactions. The app provides insights by analyzing transaction patterns and values, helping users make informed investment decisions and monitor the market's pulse directly from the zkSync network.

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