eth_getTransactionReceipt | Ronin

Ronin API method that returns the receipt of a transaction by its hash. The transaction receipt includes details such as the status of the transaction (success or failure), the gas used, the contract address created (if the transaction was a contract creation), and any logs generated by the transaction.


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  • transactionHash — the hash of the transaction for which to retrieve the receipt.


  • result — an object containing the transaction receipt information, including fields like transactionHash, transactionIndex, blockHash, blockNumber, from, to, cumulativeGasUsed, gasUsed, contractAddress, logs, and status.

Use case

The eth_getTransactionReceipt method is crucial for verifying the outcome of a transaction, especially for applications that execute transactions and need to confirm their success or failure. It is also used to obtain detailed execution results, such as event logs, which are essential for DApps to interpret the effects of transactions.

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