API errors reference

Below you can find possible error codes that can occur while working with nodes, their explanations, and solutions.

HTTP status codes

400Bad RequestYour request is invalid. Make sure your request is properly formatted and this is a valid request.
401Authorization RequiredThe credentials you provide to access your node endpoint are absent or incorrect. See how to know your node credentials.
404Not FoundContact support to check if you are accessing the correct node and if the node is healthy.
404DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERTContact support to check if the gateway is healthy.
413Request Entity Too LargeThe default limit of the request body size is 1 MB. Reduce the request body size.
429Too Many RequestsYou hit the default node HTTP connections limit. Reduce the number of requests.
Or you hit the rate limit on your plan. Upgrade the plan.
499No Response From NodeIncrease the client-side time-out. Contact support if the issue persists.
500Internal Server ErrorContact support to check if you are accessing the correct node and if the gateway is healthy.
500ECONNREFUSEDContact support.
502Bad GatewayContact support to check if your node is experiencing resource constraints or if the node is healthy.
503Service Temporarily UnavailableContact support to check if your node is experiencing resource constraints.
504Gateway Time-OutContact support to check if your node is experiencing resource constraints. Or consider getting a dedicated gateway.

WebSocket status codes

1006Socket Error: read ECONNRESETImplement a reconnect in your code or get a dedicated gateway.

JSON-RPC status codes

-32700Parse ErrorYour JSON cannot be parsed on the server side. Make sure your JSON is properly formatted.
-32600Invalid RequestYour JSON-RPC request is not properly formed. See node API reference.
-32601Method Not FoundThe method you are trying to call is not available on the node. See also API namespaces.
-32602Invalid ParamsYour request has invalid parameters. See node API reference.
-32603Internal ErrorA JSON-RPC error that means your request cannot be processed and usually has a -32000 error with details on why the request cannot be processed.
-32000Server ErrorThe implementation-defined error on the server. The node implementation shows why it cannot process the request. For example, see EIP-1474.