debug_traceBlockByNumber | Fantom

Fantom API method that enables the tracing of the execution of a specific block using its number. This method can be used to troubleshoot and analyze smart contracts and transactions on the BNB blockchain. It provides an in-depth trace of the block execution, with details on all the interactions, such as transactions and calls, that took place.


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  • quantity or tag β€” the integer of a block encoded as hexadecimal or the string with:

    • latest β€” the most recent block in the blockchain and the current state of the blockchain at the most recent block. A chain reorganization is to be expected.

    • safe β€” the block that received justification from the beacon chain. Although this block could be involved in a chain reorganization, it would necessitate either a coordinated attack by the majority of validators or an instance of severe propagation latency.

    • finalized β€” the block accepted as canonical by more than 2/3 of the validators. A chain reorganization is extremely unlikely, and it would require at least 1/3 of the staked ETH to be burned.

    • earliest β€” the earliest available or genesis block

    • pending β€” the pending state and transactions block. The current state of transactions that have been broadcast to the network but have not yet been included in a block.


      See the default block parameter and How The Merge Impacts Ethereum’s Application Layer.

  • tracer β€” an object identifying the type of tracer and its configuration:

    • 4byteTracer β€” tracer that captures the function signatures and call data sizes for all functions executed during a transaction, creating a map that links each selector and size combination to the number of times it occurred. This provides valuable information about the frequency and usage of each function within the transaction.
    • callTracer β€” tracer that captures information on all call frames executed during a transaction. The resulting nested list of call frames is organized into a tree structure that reflects the way the Ethereum Virtual Machine works and can be used for debugging and analysis purposes.
    • prestateTracer β€” tracer with two modes: prestate and diff, where the former returns the accounts needed to execute a transaction, and the latter returns the differences between the pre and post-states of the transaction. The tracer operates by re-executing the transaction and tracking every state change made, resulting in an object with the account addresses as keys and the corresponding trie leaves as values.

Response types

4byteTracer response

  • object β€” the 4byteTracer traces object:
    • result β€” a map of the function signature, the call data size, and how many times the function was called.

callTracer response

  • object β€” the callTracer traces object:
    • from β€” the address of the sender who initiated the transaction.
    • gas β€” the units of gas included in the transaction by the sender.
    • gasused β€” the total used gas by the call, encoded as hexadecimal.
    • to β€” the address of the recipient of the transaction if it was a transaction to an address. For contract creation transactions, this field is null.
    • input β€” the optional input data sent with the transaction, usually used to interact with smart contracts.
    • output β€” the return value of the call, encoded as a hexadecimal string.
    • error β€” an error message in case the execution failed.
    • revertReason β€” the reason why the transaction was reverted, returned by the smart contract if any.
    • calls β€” a list of sub-calls made by the contract during the call, each represented as a nested call frame object.

prestateTracer response

  • object β€” the prestateTracer traces object:
  • smart contract address β€” the address of the smart contract associated with the result.
  • balance β€” the balance of the contract, expressed in Wei and encoded as a hexadecimal string.
  • code β€” the bytecode of the contract, encoded as a hexadecimal string.
  • nonce β€” the nonce of the account associated with the contract, represented as an unsigned integer.
  • storage β€” a map of key-value pairs representing the storage slots of the contract. The keys and values are both encoded as hexadecimal strings.

debug_traceBlockByNumber code examples

const { Web3, Web3PluginBase } = require("web3");
const web3 = new Web3(NODE_URL);

// Define the TraceBlockPlugin class
class TraceBlockPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
    pluginNamespace = 'trace';

    async traceBlockByNumber(blockId, tracer) {
        return this.requestManager.send({
            method: 'debug_traceBlockByNumber',
            params: [blockId, tracer],

// Register the plugin
web3.registerPlugin(new TraceBlockPlugin());

async function traceBlockByNumber(block) {

    // Specify the type of tracer: 4byteTracer, callTracer, or prestateTracer
    const tracer = { tracer: 'callTracer' };
    const result = await web3.trace.traceBlockByNumber(block, tracer);

const ethers = require('ethers');
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(NODE_URL);

const traceBlockByNumber = async (block) => {

  // Specify the type of tracer: 4byteTracer, callTracer, or prestateTracer
  const tracer = { tracer: 'callTracer' };
  const traces = await provider.send("debug_traceBlockByNumber", [block, tracer]);

from web3 import Web3  
web3 = Web3.HTTPProvider(node_url)

block = "latest"

# Specify the type of tracer: 4byteTracer, callTracer, or prestateTracer
tracer = { "tracer": 'callTracer' }
block_traces = web3.provider.make_request('debug_traceBlockByNumber', [block, tracer])

Use case

One use case for traceBlockByNumber would be to trace a block, calculate how many transactions are in it, and then display the number of transactions and the average gas used.

To accomplish this, you can use traceBlockByNumber to retrieve the trace of each transaction in the block and then iterate over the transactions to count the total number of transactions and calculate the total gas used. Once you have this information, you can divide the total gas used by the total number of transactions to get the average gas used.

Try the debug_traceBlockByNumber RPC method yourself