Getting started | zkSync

What is zkSync?

zkSync, launched as a Layer-2 scaling solution, leverages cutting-edge Zero-Knowledge (ZK) technology to enhance Ethereu's scalability without compromising its core values of decentralization, security, and user sovereignty. At its heart, zkSync aims to address Ethereum's limitations regarding transaction speed and costs, ensuring the network can support a global user base and a plethora of decentralized applications.

Find useful zkSync tools in the zkSync Era∎ tooling section.


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You can sign up with your GitHub, X, Google, or Microsoft account.

What is the zkSync API?

The zkSync API provides developers with the tools to interact seamlessly with the zkSync Layer-2 protocol, facilitating the development of scalable and efficient Web3 applications. It encompasses the execution layer for processing transactions and a consensus layer for ensuring network security and integrity.

To interact with the zkSync blockchain, applications must connect to a zkSync node, using the zkSync API for data reading, transaction sending, and smart contract execution. This API follows a JSON-RPC specification, enabling remote procedure calls that feel local, thereby simplifying the development process for building on zkSync.

How to start using the zkSync API

To use the zkSync API, you need access to a zkSync RPC node.

Follow these steps to sign up on Chainstack, deploy a zkSync RPC node, and find your endpoint credentials:

  1. Sign up with Chainstack.
  2. Deploy a node.
  3. View node access and credentials.

Now, you can connect to the zkSync blockchain and use the zkSync API to build.


See also

Build better with zkSync