eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | Ronin

Ronin API method that returns information about a transaction by specifying the block number (or tag) and the transaction's index position within the block. This method facilitates accessing details of specific transactions within a given block.


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  • blockNumber — the number of the block (or a tag such as "latest", "earliest", "pending") encoded as a hexadecimal.
  • transactionIndex — the index position of the transaction in the block, encoded as a hexadecimal.


  • result — an object containing detailed information about the transaction, including fields like from, to, value, gas, gasPrice, nonce, hash, and more.

Use case

The eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex method is particularly useful for applications requiring information on specific transactions within a block, such as for transaction tracking, auditing, or displaying detailed transaction information in blockchain explorers.

Try the eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex RPC method yourself

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