simulateTransaction | Solana

The Solana simulateTransaction method simulates sending a transaction. This method does not send a transaction, but rather runs the transaction and returns the result of the execution.

This method is useful for predicting how a transaction will affect the state of the blockchain without actually committing any changes. It can be used to estimate transaction fees, check for potential errors, and understand the effects of a transaction before sending it.


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  1. transaction (string) - A base64 encoded string representing the transaction to simulate.
  2. config (object, optional) - Configuration object containing the following optional fields:
    • encoding (string) - Encoding used for the transaction data. Default is "base64".


The response includes a result object with details about the simulated transaction execution, including:

  • err - If the transaction simulation was successful, this field will be null. Otherwise, it will contain an error message.
  • logs - An array of log messages the transaction produced during simulation.
  • accounts - An array of account information after the simulation.
  • unitsConsumed - The number of compute units consumed by the transaction.

Use case

A common use case for simulateTransaction is to estimate the cost and effects of a transaction before actually sending it. This can help developers ensure their transactions will execute as expected and avoid unnecessary fees from failed transactions.

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