debug_traceBlockByNumber | Optimism

The debug_traceBlockByNumber RPC method is used to retrieve detailed execution traces for all transactions included in a block, identified by the block's number. This method is particularly useful for developers and analysts who need to deeply understand transaction execution and state changes within a specific block.


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To use debug_traceBlockByNumber, send a POST request with a JSON RPC call in the body.


  • Block Number (string): The number of the block for which to retrieve the execution traces, in hexadecimal format.


The response includes detailed execution traces for all transactions in the specified block.

  • result (array): An array of execution traces for each transaction in the block. Each trace provides comprehensive details about the execution, including calls, state changes, and gas usage.

Use case

The debug_traceBlockByNumber method is essential for:

  • Developers debugging complex interactions within a block.
  • Analysts conducting forensic analysis of block transactions.
  • Tools and services that provide insights into the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) execution and state changes.

Try the debug_traceBlockByNumber RPC method yourself

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