zks_getL1BatchDetails | zkSync Era

The zks_getL1BatchDetails API method offers a comprehensive look into a specific batch's details on Layer 1. By inputting a batch number, developers can retrieve a wealth of information, including transaction hashes, execution details, gas prices, and the batch's overall status.


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  • batch — an L1BatchNumber that specifies the batch number on Layer 1 for which details are being requested.


Upon execution, the zks_getL1BatchDetails method returns a detailed object encompassing various aspects of the specified batch:

  • baseSystemContractsHashes — contains hashes for key system contracts, offering insight into the infrastructure underpinning the transactions within the batch.
    • bootloader — the hash of the bootloader contract, a fundamental component in initializing contract execution.
    • default_aa — the hash of the default account abstraction contract, facilitating user interactions with contracts.
  • commitTxHash — the transaction hash for the commitment phase on the network, highlighting the first step in the transaction lifecycle.
  • committedAt — the ISO 8601 timestamp marking the commitment of the transaction to the network, providing a precise timeline.
  • executeTxHash — the hash of the executed transaction, indicating the application of the transaction's effects on the zkSync network.
  • executedAt — the ISO 8601 timestamp for when the transaction execution took place, marking the conclusion of its network effects.
  • l1GasPrice — shows the gas price on Layer 1 at the time of the transaction, reflecting the execution cost on Ethereum.
  • l1TxCount — the count of transactions in this batch on Layer 1, offering insight into the batch's complexity.
  • l2FairGasPrice — the fair gas price within the zkSync network, guiding transaction cost efficiency on Layer 2.
  • l2TxCount — the number of transactions processed in the zkSync network for this batch, indicating its activity level.
  • number — the unique number of the batch.
  • proveTxHash — the hash of the transaction providing proof on Layer 1, essential for validating the batch's integrity and finality.
  • provenAt — the ISO 8601 timestamp when the proof transaction was verified on Layer 1, marking a crucial step in batch validation.
  • rootHash — the root hash of the network state post-transaction, key for ensuring the consistency and integrity of the network state.
  • status — the current status of the batch, providing immediate insight into its processing stage and overall health.
  • timestamp — a UNIX timestamp that marks the exact time of batch processing, serving as a universal reference point.

Use case

A smart contract developer optimizing a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform on zkSync could use the zks_getL1BatchDetails method to analyze gas usage across different batches. By examining details like gas prices, transaction counts, and execution times, the developer can identify patterns of high gas costs.

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