eth_getTransactionReceipt | Optimism

Optimism API method eth_getTransactionReceipt retrieves the receipt of a transaction by its hash. This receipt includes details such as the transaction's outcome (status), gas used, and logs generated by the transaction. This method is crucial for confirming transaction execution and for interacting with smart contracts.


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  • transactionHash — the hash of the transaction for which the receipt is being requested.


  • Transaction receipt — the receipt object with:
    • blockHash — the block hash. Identifies the block in which the transaction was included. This field is null for transactions that have not yet been included in a block.
    • blockNumber — the number of the block in which the transaction was included. This field is null for transactions that have not yet been included in a block.
    • contractAddress — the contract address created by the transaction if it was a contract creation transaction. Otherwise, the value is null.
    • cumulativeGasUsed — the total amount of gas used in the block until this transaction was executed.
    • effectiveGasPrice — the actual value deducted from the sender's account for this transaction.
    • from — the address of the sender who initiated the transaction.
    • gasUsed — the amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
    • logs — an array of log objects this transaction generates, if any. Logs are generated by smart contracts.
    • logsBloom — the bloom filter used by light clients to quickly retrieve logs related to the transaction.
    • status — the success status of the transaction, represented as 1 for success or 0 for failure.
    • to — the recipient's address of the transaction if it was a transaction to an address. For contract creation transactions, this field is null.
    • transactionHash — the hash that uniquely identifies the transaction.
    • transactionIndex — the index of the transaction within the block.
    • type — the type of the transaction. 0 indicates a regular transfer; 2 indicates a contract creation or smart contract function call.
    • l1Fee — this field represents the cost incurred for executing the transaction on the Ethereum mainnet (Layer 1). It is calculated by multiplying the l1GasPrice by the l1GasUsed.
    • l1FeeScalar — a scaling factor applied to the actual gas consumption on the Ethereum mainnet (Layer 1). This value is used to determine the dynamic costs associated with the transaction. Setting to 1 does not alter the Layer 1 gas usage.
    • l1GasPrice — the price of gas, measured in Wwei, that the transaction is willing to pay for execution on the Ethereum mainnet (Layer 1).
    • l1GasUsed — the total amount of gas units the transaction consumes during its execution on the Ethereum mainnet (Layer 1).

The l1Fee, l1FeeScalar, l1GasPrice, and l1GasUsed fields are specific to Optimism, an Optimistic Rollup solution for scaling Ethereum. These fields provide information about the transaction's interaction with the Layer 1 (Ethereum mainnet) chain, which is necessary for the security and validity of the Optimistic Rollup.

Use case

The eth_getTransactionReceipt method is essential for:

  • DApps that need to confirm the outcome of a transaction, especially after interacting with smart contracts.
  • Services that monitor transactions for confirmation, gas usage, and event logging.
  • Tools that analyze the efficiency and effects of transactions on the Optimism network.

Try the eth_getTransactionReceipt RPC method yourself

Body Params
Defaults to 2.0
Defaults to eth_getTransactionReceipt
Defaults to 1
array of strings
Defaults to 0xd0a7bd7d80ba09a5a627b00fe6d05cde7d45939de9b16cb96d9029da1757b59b

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