getRecentBlockhash | Solana

The Solana getRecentBlockhash method returns a recent block hash from the ledger, and a fee schedule that can be used to compute the cost of submitting a transaction using it.

This method is crucial for transaction construction and submission in Solana. The returned blockhash is used to indicate when a transaction was constructed, which is important for security reasons. The fee calculator provides information about the current network fees.


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This method does not require any parameters.


  • blockhash — a string representing the blockhash of a recent block.
  • feeCalculator — an object containing:
    • lamportsPerSignature — the current fee in lamports per signature.

Use case

A common use case for getRecentBlockhash is in transaction preparation. When constructing a transaction, you need to include a recent blockhash to ensure the transaction is processed in a timely manner and to prevent replay attacks. The fee calculator information can be used to estimate the cost of the transaction.

Try the getRecentBlockhash RPC method yourself

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