zks_getBlockDetails | zkSync Era

The zks_getBlockDetails API method provides comprehensive zkSync-specific information about a Layer 2 block. This includes details on the block's commitment, proof, and execution on Layer 1, offering a deep dive into its lifecycle and current state within the zkSync network.


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This method requires a single input parameter:

  • block — a uint32 value representing the block number for which details are being requested. This is a specific identifier for the block within the zkSync Layer 2 network.


Upon execution, the zks_getBlockDetails method returns an object with information about the block:

  • baseSystemContractsHashes — an object containing hashes of the base system contracts involved in the block's transactions, offering insights into the foundational components of the zkSync network for this block. This includes:
    • bootloader — the hash of the bootloader contract.
    • default_aa — the hash of the default account abstraction contract.
  • commitTxHash — the hash of the transaction that has been committed to the network, marking the initial stage of the transaction's lifecycle on Layer 1.
  • committedAt — the timestamp (ISO 8601 format) indicating when the transaction was committed to the network, providing a precise temporal context.
  • executeTxHash — the transaction hash executed on the network, signifying the application of the transaction's effects on the zkSync state.
  • executedAt — the timestamp (ISO 8601 format) when the transaction was executed on the network, marking the completion of its effects on the state.
  • l1BatchNumber — the batch number associated with this transaction on the Layer 1 (Ethereum) network, linking the zkSync activity back to its Ethereum roots.
  • l1GasPrice — the gas price utilized for the transaction on the Layer 1 network, reflecting the cost of execution on Ethereum.
  • l1TxCount — the number of transactions related to this batch on the Layer 1 network, providing a measure of the batch's complexity and size.
  • l2FairGasPrice — the fair gas price applied to transactions within the zkSync network.
  • l2TxCount — the total number of transactions processed within this block on the Layer 2 network, indicating the block's activity level.
  • number — the specific number of the block within the zkSync blockchain.
  • operatorAddress — the address of the operator who executed the transaction, offering accountability and traceability within the network's operations.
  • proveTxHash — the hash of the proof transaction on the Layer 1 network, crucial for validating the block's integrity and finality.
  • provenAt — the timestamp (ISO 8601 format) when the proof transaction was completed on the Layer 1 network, marking a key verification step.
  • rootHash — the root hash representing the updated state of the network following the transaction, essential for ensuring network consistency.
  • status — the status of the block.
  • timestamp — the UNIX timestamp marking the time of the block's processing, providing a global temporal reference.

Use case

A blockchain analytics platform may use the zks_getBlockDetails method to track block statuses, analyze gas prices or monitor operator activity. Similarly, a wallet service could leverage this data to inform users about the confirmation and finality of their transactions, enhancing trust and transparency in the service.

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