eth_newFilter | Ronin

Ronin API method eth_newFilter creates a new filter object for filtering logs that match specific criteria. This is particularly useful for applications that need to listen for specific events on the Ronin blockchain.


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  • fromBlock (optional): The block number from which to start filtering. This can be a hexadecimal number or one of the strings "earliest", "latest" or "pending". In the provided example, "latest" is used.
  • address (optional): The address of the contract to filter logs from. This can be a single address as a string or an array of addresses. The example uses "0x0b7007c13325c48911f73a2dad5fa5dcbf808adc".
  • topics (optional): An array of topics used to filter logs. Each event signature generated by the contract will have a unique topic. The example filters logs with the topic "0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef".


  • result — the ID of the created filter. This ID can then be used with methods like eth_getFilterChanges or eth_getFilterLogs to retrieve the logs that match the filter.


The filters created are stored on the blockchain client instance. The filter is automatically deleted if not polled within a certain time (5 minutes by default).

Use case

Creating a filter is essential for dApps and services that need to monitor blockchain events efficiently. Instead of retrieving all events and filtering them client-side, eth_newFilter allows for specifying precise criteria, reducing the amount of data to process and improving responsiveness.

Try the eth_newFilter RPC method yourself

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