getFeeForMessage | Solana

Solana getFeeForMessage method

The Solana getFeeForMessage method returns the fee in lamports that the cluster will charge to process the given message.

This method provides the cost of processing a message based on the current fee schedule. It is useful for estimating the cost of a transaction before it is submitted to the network.


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  • message β€” the message to calculate the fee for.


  • value β€” the fee in lamports that the cluster will charge to process the message.

Use case

A practical use case for getFeeForMessage is to estimate the cost of a transaction before it is submitted to the network. This can be useful for wallets or other applications that need to display or make use of this information.

Here's a script to generate the message data for the 1 SOL transfer:

const web3 = require('@solana/web3.js');

async function createSerializedTransaction() {
    const connection = new web3.Connection(web3.clusterApiUrl('mainnet-beta'));

    let transaction = new web3.Transaction().add(
            fromPubkey: new web3.PublicKey('9WzDXwBbmkg8ZTbNMqUxvQRAyrZzDsGYdLVL9zYtAWWM'),
            toPubkey: new web3.PublicKey('A6132mRJy5zRmGsCCRbMsrbynuB9MRVgo3n6D5j49dBh'),
            lamports: web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL // This transfers 1 SOL.

    transaction.feePayer = transaction.instructions[0].keys[0].pubkey; // Set fee payer as the sender
    transaction.recentBlockhash = (await connection.getRecentBlockhash()).blockhash;

    // Serialize only the message part of the transaction
    return transaction.serializeMessage().toString('base64');

createSerializedTransaction().then(serializedMessage => {
    // Use this output as the parameter in your getFeeForMessage call
from solana.rpc.async_api import AsyncClient
from solana.transaction import Transaction
from solders.system_program import TransferParams, transfer
from solders.pubkey import Pubkey
import asyncio

async def create_serialized_transaction():
    async with AsyncClient("") as client:
        # Create the transfer instruction
        transfer_instruction = transfer(
                lamports=1000000000  # 1 SOL in lamports

        transaction = Transaction().add(transfer_instruction)

        transaction.fee_payer = Pubkey.from_string("9WzDXwBbmkg8ZTbNMqUxvQRAyrZzDsGYdLVL9zYtAWWM")

        recent_blockhash = await client.get_latest_blockhash()
        transaction.recent_blockhash = recent_blockhash.value.blockhash

        return transaction.compile_message()

async def get_fee_for_message(serialized_message):
    async with AsyncClient("") as client:
        response = await client.get_fee_for_message(serialized_message)
        return response.value

async def main():
    serialized_message = await create_serialized_transaction()
    print("Serialized Message:", serialized_message)

    fee = await get_fee_for_message(serialized_message)
    print(f"Fee for the message: {fee} lamports")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Try the getFeeForMessage RPC method yourself

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