arbtrace_replayTransaction | Arbitrum

Arbitrum API method that replays a specific transaction and returns the traces. Developers can use the arbtrace_replayTransaction method to gain insight into the behavior of smart contracts, analyze gas usage, and optimize their contracts accordingly.


Learn how to deploy a node with the debug and trace API methods enabled.


Blocks older than 22,207,815th were added to the chain before Nitro migration and cannot be queried with Geth methods. Starting from block 22,207,815, Arbitrum migrated to Nitro which made Geth debug_* methods available for newer blocks.

Use the arbtrace_replayTransaction method for calling blocks prior to 22,207,815.


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  • hash — the hash identifying a transaction.

  • array — an array identifying the type of tracer and its configuration:

    • trace — tracer that captures information on all call frames executed during a transaction. The resulting nested list of call frames is organized into a tree structure that reflects the way the Ethereum Virtual Machine works and can be used for debugging and analysis purposes.


  • output — the data returned as a result of the transaction, encoded in hexadecimal format.
  • stateDiff — reveals changes to the state resulting from the execution of the given transaction.
  • trace — the basic trace of specific information.
    • action — the operation to be performed on the recipient.
      • from — the address initiating the transaction.
      • callType — the type of method, such as call or delegatecall.
      • gas — the units of gas supplied by the sender, encoded in hexadecimal format.
      • input — the data transmitted along with the transaction, typically used for interaction with smart contracts.
      • to — the recipient's address. If it's a contract creation transaction, this field is null.
      • value — the amount sent with the transaction, encoded as a hexadecimal.
    • result — the value of the gas price used, encoded as hexadecimal.
      • gasUsed — the total amount of gas used by all the transactions in the block, encoded as hexadecimal.
      • output — the return value from the contract call, encoded in hexadecimal. If the RETURN method isn't executed, the output will be empty bytes.
    • subtraces — a list of contract calls made by the transaction, each represented as a nested callframe object.
    • traceAddress — a list of addresses where the call was executed, the addresses of the parent calls, and the order of the current sub-call.
    • type — the value of the method, such as call or create.
  • vmTrace — a comprehensive trace of the virtual machine's state during the execution of a given transaction, including any sub-calls.
  • destroyedContracts — a list of the smart contract destroyed during the block execution; null if no contract was destroyed.

arbtrace_replayTransaction code examples

const Web3 = require("web3");
const web3 = new Web3(NODE_URL);

// Define the arbtrace_replayTransaction custom method
    property: 'arbtrace',
    methods: [{
      name: 'replayTransaction',
      call: 'arbtrace_replayTransaction',
      params: 2,
  async function arbtraceReplay() {
    const hash = "0xe8648e3ad982a3d67ef0880d6631343cffff364786994b34e5fa292cfef0e680";
    const traceOptions = ["trace"];
    try {
      const result = await web3.arbtrace.replayTransaction(hash, traceOptions);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error:", error);
const ethers = require('ethers');
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(NODE_URL);

const arbtraceReplayTransaction = async () => {
    const hash = '0xe8648e3ad982a3d67ef0880d6631343cffff364786994b34e5fa292cfef0e680'
    const tracer = 'trace';

    const traces = await provider.send("arbtrace_replayTransaction", [hash, [tracer]]);

from web3 import Web3  
web3 = Web3.HTTPProvider(node_url)

transactionHash = "0xe8648e3ad982a3d67ef0880d6631343cffff364786994b34e5fa292cfef0e680";
traceOptions = ["trace"];

response = web3.provider.make_request('arbtrace_replayTransaction', [transactionHash, traceOptions])

Use case

The arbtrace_replayTransaction allows you to replay a specific transaction and analyze its interactions.

Suppose you are a smart contract developer working on a decentralized application that involves multiple contract interactions within a single transaction. During the development process, you encounter unexpected behaviors or errors when executing certain transactions, and you need to understand the root cause.

In such a scenario, you can use the arbtrace_replayTransaction method to replay the problematic transaction and retrieve the traces associated with it. By analyzing these traces, you can gain valuable insights into the execution flow and pinpoint the cause of the issue.

Try the arbtrace_replayTransaction RPC method yourself

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