Avalanche API method that allows submitting a signed transaction to the network. Once a transaction is signed, you can use the eth_sendRawTransaction
method to submit the signed transaction to the Avalanche network for processing.
Note that the interactive example in this page will not work, due to the fact that
is used to modify the state of the blockchain, it is not possible to duplicate the same request.
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β the signed transaction. The serialized transaction data, which includes the transaction metadata such as the nonce, gas price, gas limit, recipient address, and data payload, as well as the digital signature generated using the private key associated with the address that is sending the transaction. Typically, signed with a library such as web3.py, web3.js, or ethers.js using the sender's private key.
β the unique hash identifying the transaction or the zero hash if the transaction is not available yet. The zero hash is a special value that represents an invalid or null hash.
code examples
code examplesThe following examples demonstrate how to use Web3 libraries to make an AVAX transfer on the Fuji testnet.
Additional libraries requirement
Note that web3.js requires installing two extra libraries:
const Web3 = require("web3");
const Tx = require('ethereumjs-tx').Transaction;
const Common = require('ethereumjs-common').default;
const web3 = new Web3(NODE_URL);
async function sendAvax(value) {
// Define the sender and receiver addresses, and the private key
const sender = '0x19e7e376e7c213b7e7e7e46cc70a5dd086daff2a';
const receiver = '0xe9ba4b4d84d7a3c80245514213b88d50ed937114';
const privateKey = Buffer.from('1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111', 'hex');
// Define the gas limit
const gasLimit = await web3.eth.estimateGas({
from: sender,
to: receiver,
// Get the transaction count for the sender address
const nonce = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(sender);
// Define the transaction object
const transactionObject = {
to: receiver,
gasPrice: web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei('50', 'gwei')),
gasLimit: web3.utils.toHex(gasLimit),
nonce: web3.utils.toHex(nonce),
value: web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei(value, 'ether')),
// Define the chain configuration
const common = Common.forCustomChain(
'mainnet', {
name: 'fuji',
networkId: 43113,
chainId: 43113,
// Create a new transaction object to sign
const tx = new Tx(transactionObject, {
// Sign the transaction using the private key
const signedTx = tx.sign(privateKey);
// Serialize the signed transaction and send it to the blockchain
const serializedTx = tx.serialize();
const rawTransaction = '0x' + serializedTx.toString('hex');
console.log(`Raw transaction: ${rawTransaction}\n`)
try {
console.log(`Sending transaction...`)
const result = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(rawTransaction);
console.log(`Transaction hash: ${result.transactionHash}`);
} catch (error) {
const ethers = require('ethers');
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(NODE_URL);
async function sendAvax(value) {
// Define the sender and receiver addresses, and the private key
const sender = '0x19e7e376e7c213b7e7e7e46cc70a5dd086daff2a';
const receiver = '0xe9ba4b4d84d7a3c80245514213b88d50ed937114';
const privateKey = '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111';
// Define the gas limit
const gasLimit = await provider.estimateGas({
from: sender,
to: receiver,
value: ethers.parseEther(value),
// Get the transaction count for the sender address
const nonce = await provider.getTransactionCount(sender);
// Define the transaction object
const transactionObject = {
to: receiver,
gasPrice: ethers.parseUnits('50', 'gwei'),
gasLimit: gasLimit.toString(),
nonce: nonce,
value: ethers.parseEther(value),
// Sign the transaction using the private key
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
console.log(`Sending transaction...`)
const transaction = await wallet.sendTransaction(transactionObject);
console.log('Transaction hash:', transaction.hash);
from web3 import Web3
# Define the sender and receiver addresses, and the private key
sender = '0x19e7e376e7c213b7e7e7e46cc70a5dd086daff2a'
receiver = '0xe9ba4b4d84d7a3c80245514213b88d50ed937114'
private_key = '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'
# Estimate gas limit
gas_limit = web3.eth.estimate_gas({
'from': sender,
'to': receiver
# Build the transaction object
transaction = {
'nonce': web3.eth.get_transaction_count(sender),
'to': receiver,
'value': web3.to_wei(1, 'ether'), # value to send
'gas': gas_limit,
'gasPrice': web3.eth.gas_price,
'chainId': web3.eth.chain_id
# Sign the transaction
signed_tx = web3.eth.account.sign_transaction(transaction, private_key)
print(f'Signed transaction: {signed_tx}')
# Send the transaction
print('Sending transaction...')
tx_hash = web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
print(f'Transaction hash: {web3.toHex(tx_hash)}')
Note that you will need to edit the
, andprivateKey
fields to be able to use this code.
Use case
One potential use case for eth_sendRawTransaction
is to automatically swap AVAX for a token when its price reaches a certain level. eth_sendRawTransaction
will allow specifying custom transaction parameters, such as gas price or gas limit, to optimize the speed and cost of the transaction.
For instance, you could build a program monitoring the price of a specific token and execute a swapExactETHForTokens
transaction when the token reaches a certain price level, it could use eth_sendRawTransaction
to submit a raw transaction with a custom gas price and limit that are optimized for the current network conditions.
The following code shows how to call the swapExactETHForTokens
function from the SushiSwap exchange on Avalanche using ethers.js:
Note that this code only shows how to execute the
function on SushiSwap on Avalanche mainnet, and not how to track the prices. You need to build a separate part for this.
This particular example shows how to swap AVAX for AAVE tokens.
const ethers = require('ethers');
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(NODE_URL);
// ABI for the swapExactETHForTokens function
const sushiRouterABI = [
async function swapETHForToken(value, token, privateKey) {
// Create a new wallet using the private key
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
// Get the SushiSwap Router contract and create a contract instance
const sushiRouterAddress = '0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506'; // SushiSwap Router address on Avalanche Mainnet
const sushiRouterContract = new ethers.Contract(sushiRouterAddress, sushiRouterABI, wallet);
// Prepare the swap parameters
const tokenToBuy = token;
const amountOfETH = ethers.utils.parseEther(value); // Convert the input value to Wei
const minAmountOfTokens = ethers.utils.parseUnits('0'); // Set the minimum output token amount to 0, this means that you will always receive something.
const deadline = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 60 * 10; // Set the deadline to 10 minutes from now
// Define the token path for the swap
const path = ['0xB31f66AA3C1e785363F0875A1B74E27b85FD66c7', tokenToBuy]; // WAVAX to token to buy
// Parameters for the transaction object
const nonce = await wallet.getTransactionCount();
const gasPrice = await provider.getGasPrice();
const transactionData = sushiRouterContract.interface.encodeFunctionData('swapExactETHForTokens', [
// Calculate the gas limit based on the parameters
const gasLimit = await provider.estimateGas({to: sushiRouterAddress, value: amountOfETH, data: transactionData});
// Get the chain ID for replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions
const chainId = await provider.getNetwork().then(network => network.chainId);
// Build the transaction object
const transactionObject = {
to: sushiRouterAddress,
value: amountOfETH,
nonce: nonce,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gasLimit: gasLimit,
data: transactionData,
chainId: chainId
// Sign and send the transaction
console.log(`Swapping tokens...`);
const signedTx = await wallet.signTransaction(transactionObject);
const transaction = await provider.sendTransaction(signedTx);
console.log(`Transaction sent; transaction hash: ${transaction.hash}\n`);
// Wait for the transaction to be confirmed
console.log(`Validating transaction...`);
const receipt = await transaction.wait();
return receipt
async function main() {
try {
// Set the swap parameters and private key
const quantity = '0.2'; // Amount of AVAX to swap
const addressToBuy = '0x63a72806098Bd3D9520cC43356dD78afe5D386D9'; // Address of the token to buy (AAVE in this case)
const privateKey = '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'; // Replace with your actual private key
// Execute the swap and check if successful
const receipt = await swapETHForToken(quantity, addressToBuy, privateKey);
if (receipt.status === 1) {
console.log(`The swap was successful!`);
console.log(`Transaction receipt`, receipt);
} else {
console.log(`The swap failed with status ${receipt.status}.`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`An error occurred during the swap: ${error.message}`);
Security notice
You need your private key to sign the transaction; never share your private key with anyone.
On a side note, the private key in this case must be imported without '0x' at the beginning of the string.
In the swapETHForToken
function, a new wallet is created using the provided privateKey
. Then, the instance of the SushiSwap Router contract is obtained using its address and the ABI (Application Binary Interface) for the swapExactETHForTokens
function. This function swaps a specified amount of AVAX for a token at the current market price.
The tokenToBuy
, amountOfETH
, minAmountOfTokens
, and deadline
variables are used to prepare the swap parameters. The path
variable defines the input and output token path for the swap. The nonce
, gasPrice
, and the transactionData
variables define the parameters for the transaction object and encode the swapExactETHForTokens
function call with the specified parameters.
The gasLimit
variable is calculated based on the parameters, and the chainId
variable is obtained for replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions. Then, the transactionObject
variable is built, including the to
address, the value
, the nonce
, the gasPrice
, the gasLimit
, the data
, and the chainId
Finally, the transaction is signed and sent, and the receipt is returned. If the status of the receipt is equal to 1, the swap was successful, and the receipt object is logged to the console. If the status is not equal to 1, the swap failed, and an error message is logged to the console.
Try the eth_sendRawTransaction
RPC method yourself
RPC method yourself