eth_syncing | Gnosis

Gnosis Chain API method that returns an object with information about the current synchronization status of the node, or false if the node is fully synced. This method can track the progress of a node's synchronization with the Ethereum blockchain. The returned object contains data such as the starting block, current block, and highest block of the node, allowing developers to monitor and estimate the time remaining for the node to sync fully.


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  • none


  • result β€” the boolean value false when not syncing or a JSON object when syncing:
    • startingBlock β€” the block number where the synchronization process started, encoded as hexadecimal.
    • currentBlock β€” the block number that the node has currently processed, same as eth_blockNumber, encoded as hexadecimal.
    • highestBlock β€” the block number of the latest block in the blockchain known to the node.

eth_syncing code examples

const Web3 = require("web3");
const web3 = new Web3(NODE_URL);

async function syncStatus() {
  const status = await web3.eth.isSyncing();

const ethers = require('ethers');
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(NODE_URL);

const syncStatus = async () => {
    const status = await provider.send("eth_syncing", []);

from web3 import Web3  
print (web3.eth.syncing) 

Use case

The eth_syncing method on Gnosis can be useful for developers building applications that interact with the Gnosis Chain. For example, you may want to provide feedback to your application's user about the status of the Gnosis Chain node the application is connecting to.

Here is a code example using the web3.js library:

const Web3 = require("web3");
const web3 = new Web3(NODE_URL);

async function syncstatus() {
    try {
        // Query the sync status
        const syncing = await web3.eth.isSyncing();

        if (syncing) {

            console.log(`Node is syncing. Current block: ${syncing.currentBlock}. Highest block: ${syncing.highestBlock}`);
        } else {

            console.log('Node is fully synced.');
    } catch (error) {



In this example, the program creates a new web3 instance and connects to the node. Then, it calls web3.eth.isSyncing to get the current synchronization status of the node. If the node is fully synced, the function logs a message to the console indicating that the node is fully synced.

If the node is still syncing, the function logs the current block number and the highest block number known to the node.

Try the eth_syncing RPC method yourself

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!