Polygon API method that returns the number of peers connected to the node. This method can be useful for developers who want to monitor the connectivity of their node and ensure that it is functioning as expected. By checking the number of connected peers, developers can verify that their node is receiving updates and is properly synchronized with the network.
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β an integer value indicating the current number of peers connected to the node
code examples
code examplesconst Web3 = require("web3");
const web3 = new Web3(NODE_URL);
async function getPeers() {
const peers = await web3.eth.net.getPeerCount()
const ethers = require('ethers');
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(NODE_URL);
const peersCount = async () => {
const peers = await provider.send("net_peerCount");
console.log(`Peers connected: ${peers}`);
from web3 import Web3
web3 = Web3.HTTPProvider(node_url)
peers = web3.provider.make_request('net_peerCount', [])
Use case
One practical use case for the net_peerCount
method is to monitor the number of peers connected to a node and take some action if the number drops below a certain threshold. For example, a developer might want to send a notification to check the node if the peer count is low for more than 10 minutes.
Here is an implementation of this concept using web3.js:
const Web3 = require("web3");
const web3 = new Web3(NODE_URL);
const MIN_PEER_COUNT = 5; // Set the minimum number of peers.
let lowPeerCountTime = null; // Track the time when peer count first dropped below the threshold.
* Checks the number of connected peers and sends a notification if the peer count has been low for more than 10 minutes.
function checkPeerCount() {
web3.eth.net.getPeerCount().then((peerCount) => {
console.log(`Number of connected peers: ${peerCount}`);
if (peerCount < MIN_PEER_COUNT) {
// Peer count has dropped below the threshold.
if (lowPeerCountTime === null) {
// This is the first time we've seen a low peer count.
lowPeerCountTime = Date.now();
console.log(`Low peer count detected at ${new Date(lowPeerCountTime)}.`);
} else if (Date.now() - lowPeerCountTime > 10 * 60 * 1000) {
// Peer count has been low for more than 10 minutes, send a notification.
console.log('Sending notification to check the node.');
// TODO: Add code here to send a notification, e.g. via email or SMS.
} else {
// Peer count is above the threshold.
lowPeerCountTime = null;
// Check the peer count once when the script starts.
// Check the peer count every minute.
setInterval(checkPeerCount, 60 * 1000);
This code defines a function called checkPeerCount
that retrieves the current number of connected peers using the web3.eth.net.getPeerCount
method. The function then checks whether the peer count is below a minimum threshold (defined as MIN_PEER_COUNT
), and takes appropriate action based on the result.
If the peer count is below the threshold and this is the first time the count has dropped below the threshold, the function records the current time and logs a message to the console. If the peer count remains below the threshold for more than 10 minutes, the function logs a message to the console indicating that a notification should be sent and optionally sends a notification via email or SMS.
If the peer count is above the threshold, the function resets the lowPeerCountTime
variable to null.
By running the checkPeerCount
function periodically, we can ensure that we are notified if the peer count drops below a certain threshold and stays low for an extended period of time, which can indicate issues with the node's connectivity.
Try the net_peerCount
RPC method yourself
RPC method yourself