zkevm_getBatchByNumber | zkEVM

Polygon zkEVM API method that returns information about a specific batch of transactions based on the batch number.


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  • batchNumber — an integer or hexadecimal string representing the batch number.


  • number — a hexadecimal value representing the batch number.
  • coinbase — the address of the sequencer that virtualized this batch, for now, it refers to the Trusted Sequencer address.
  • stateRoot — the root of the final state of the batch.
  • globalExitRoot — the root of the tree that represents the deposits of the bridge (multichain). Root containing all the local exit roots of all the connected networks (in this case, a local exit root for L1 and another for L2).
  • localExitRoot — the root of the tree that represents the deposits of the zkEVM.
  • accInputHash — the hash of the inputs used to build the zero-knowledge proof for a batch. Also included in the input is the accInputHash from the previous batch, used for the aggregation of zero-knowledge proofs.
  • timestamp — the hexadecimal value of the Unix timestamp representing the exact time of the batch being verified.
  • sendSequencesTxHash — the hash of the transaction that virtualized this batch. null when it's not virtualized yet.
  • verifyBatchTxHash — the hash of the transaction that verified this batch. null when it's not verified yet.
  • transactions[] — an array of hashes of all the transactions included in the batch.

zkevm_getBatchByNumber code examples

const Web3 = require("web3");
const web3 = new Web3(NODE_URL);

    property: 'zkEVM',
    methods: [{
      name: 'getBatchByNumber',
      call: 'zkevm_getBatchByNumber',
      params: 1,
      inputFormatter: null,
      outputFormatter: null

async function getBatchByNumber(batchNumber) {
  const output = await web3.zkEVM.getBatchByNumber(batchNumber)

const ethers = require('ethers');
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(NODE_URL);

const getBatchByNumber = async (batchNumber) => {
    const batch = await provider.send("zkevm_getBatchByNumber", [batchNumber]);


from web3 import Web3
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(node_url))
output = web3.provider.make_request('zkevm_getBatchByNumber', [8128])

Try the zkevm_getBatchByNumber RPC method yourself

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!