Block root by block_id

The /eth/v1/beacon/blocks/{block_id}/root method is a specific API endpoint in the Ethereum Beacon Chain that provides the root of a given beacon block. The block root is a cryptographic hash that uniquely identifies each block in the Beacon Chain. This endpoint is essential for developers and network participants who need to reference or verify a specific block in the Beacon Chain, as the block root is used extensively in various blockchain operations and data structures.


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  • {block_id}: This parameter specifies the identifier of the beacon block for which the root is being requested. The block identifier can be a slot number, a block root, or a special value like 'genesis' or 'head'.


  • object — block root information.
    • root — the root of the specified beacon block. This is a 32-byte value (represented as a hexadecimal string) that uniquely identifies the block within the Beacon Chain.
    • block_id — the identifier of the block for which this root belongs. This confirms the specific block to which the provided root corresponds.

The /eth/v1/beacon/blocks/{block_id}/root method is an invaluable tool for accessing fundamental and unique identifiers of beacon blocks within the Ethereum network. It allows clients and developers to accurately pinpoint and reference specific blocks, facilitating various blockchain operations such as validation, attestation, and auditing processes.

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