Block by block_id

The /eth/v2/beacon/blocks/{block_id} method is a key API endpoint in the Ethereum Beacon Chain, designed to provide detailed information about a specific beacon block. This method is essential for developers and participants in the Ethereum network who need to access comprehensive data about a particular block, whether for analysis, verification, or development purposes.


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  • {block_id}: This parameter specifies the identifier of the beacon block for which information is being requested. The block identifier can be a slot number, a block root, or a special value like 'genesis' or 'head'.


  • object — beacon block information.
    • root — the root of the beacon block, a unique cryptographic hash that serves as an identifier for the block.
    • slot — the slot number at which the block was proposed. In the Ethereum Beacon Chain, slots are discrete time intervals at which new blocks can be proposed.
    • proposer_index — the index of the validator who proposed the block. This index identifies the specific validator within the Beacon Chain.
    • parent_root — the root of the parent block to which this block is connected, ensuring the continuity of the blockchain.
    • state_root — the root of the beacon chain state after the block's effect. This state root is crucial for verifying the integrity of the chain's state post-block.
    • body — the body of the block, containing transactions, attestations, and other relevant data. This includes detailed information about the block's operations and effects on the Beacon Chain.

The /eth/v2/beacon/blocks/{block_id} method is instrumental in providing a thorough understanding of individual blocks within the Ethereum network. It enables users to delve into the specifics of block structure, content, and the role each block plays in the broader context of the blockchain.

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