eth_getBlockReceipts | BNB Chain

BNB API method that retrieves all transaction receipts for a given block. Transaction receipts contain information about a transaction's execution status and can be useful for monitoring the status of transfers or contract execution on the blockchain.


This method is available on both the Geth and Erigon clients.


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  • quantity or tag — the integer of a block encoded as hexadecimal or the string with:

    • latest — the most recent block in the blockchain and the current state of the blockchain at the most recent block. A chain reorganization is to be expected.

    • safe—the block that received justification from the beacon chain. Although this block could be involved in a chain reorganization, it would necessitate either a coordinated attack by the majority of validators or severe propagation latency.

    • finalized—the block accepted as canonical by more than 2/3 of the validators. A chain reorganization is extremely unlikely, and it would require burning at least 1/3 of the staked BNB.

    • earliest — the earliest available or genesis block.

    • pending—the pending state and transactions block. This is the current state of transactions that have been broadcast to the network but have not yet been included in a block.


      See the default block parameter and How The Merge Impacts Ethereum’s Application Layer.


  • result — an array of objects with the following fields:
    • Transaction receipt — the object with:
      • blockHash — the block hash. Identifies the block in which the transaction was included. This field is null for transactions that have not yet been included in a block.
      • blockNumber — the number of the block in which the transaction was included. This field is null for transactions that have not yet been included in a block.
      • contractAddress — the address of the contract created by the transaction if it was a contract creation transaction. Otherwise, the value is null.
      • cumulativeGasUsed — the total amount of gas used in the block until this transaction was executed.
      • effectiveGasPrice — the actual value deducted from the sender's account for this transaction.
      • from — the address of the sender who initiated the transaction.
      • gasUsed — the amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
      • logs — an array of log objects generated by this transaction, if any. Logs are generated by smart contracts.
      • logsBloom — the bloom filter used by light clients to quickly retrieve logs related to the transaction.
      • status — the success status of the transaction, represented as 1 for success or 0 for failure.
      • to — the address of the recipient of the transaction if it was a transaction to an address. For contract creation transactions, this field is null.
      • transactionHash — the hash that uniquely identifies the transaction.
      • transactionIndex — the index of the transaction within the block.
      • type — the type of the transaction. 0 indicates a regular transfer; 2 indicates a contract creation or smart contract function call.

eth_getBlockReceipts code examples

eth_getBlockReceipts is not available in Web3.js
Create a custom class using Web3PluginBase to implement it

const { Web3, Web3PluginBase } = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3(NODE_URL);

// Define the ExtraMethods class
class ExtraMethods extends Web3PluginBase {
    pluginNamespace = 'extra';

    async getBlockReceipts(blockNumber) {
        return this.requestManager.send({
            method: 'eth_getBlockReceipts',
            params: [blockNumber],

web3.registerPlugin(new ExtraMethods());

// Function to get block receipts using the custom plugin
async function getBlockReceipts(blockId) {
    try {
        const receipts = await web3.extra.getBlockReceipts(blockId);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error fetching block receipts:", error);

// Call the function with "latest" block
const ethers = require('ethers');
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(NODE_URL);

const eth_getBlockReceipts = async () => {
    const BlockReceipts = await provider.send("eth_getBlockReceipts", ["latest"]);

from web3 import Web3
web3 = Web3.HTTPProvider(node_url)

block_receipts = web3.make_request('eth_getBlockReceipts', ['latest'])

Use case

The eth_getBlockReceipts allows you to retrieve the receipts for all transactions in a specific block. A practical use case can be to retrieve all of the logs emitted from the transactions in a block. The method returns an array of transaction receipts, each containing information about the transaction and any logs generated as a result of the transaction execution so that the logs can be isolated.


Read Uncovering the power of eth_getBlockReceipts to learn more about transactions receipts and how to use the eth_getBlockReceipts method.

Try the eth_getBlockReceipts RPC method yourself

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!