Attestations from the beacon pool


Empty data response

Getting the response "data": [] means there are no attestations in the pool for provided slot. For a quick test, change the slot value to the latest one and try again—you will get the latest attestations from the pool.

The /eth/v1/beacon/pool/attestations method provides access to the pool of attestations on the Ethereum Beacon Chain. Attestations are critical elements within the Ethereum PoS mechanism, where validators attest to the validity of blocks. These attestations contribute to the consensus process and are integral in confirming block data and state transitions on the Beacon Chain.

This endpoint is essential for developers and participants in the Ethereum network who need to track and analyze the attestations made by validators, offering a deep dive into the consensus process of Ethereum.


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  • none


  • array — list of attestation objects.
    • Each object in the array represents an individual attestation, containing:
      • aggregation_bits — a bitfield representing the committee validators' participation in the attestation. This field shows which validators are attesting to the block.
      • data — the data being attested to, including:
        • slot: The slot number for which the attestation is made.
        • index: The committee index or position within the attesting committee.
        • beacon_block_root: The root of the beacon block being attested to.
        • source: The source checkpoint for the attestation.
        • target: The target checkpoint for the attestation.
      • signature — the combined signature of the validators who participated in the attestation. This signature verifies the validators' agreement on the attested data.

The /eth/v1/beacon/pool/attestations method is a valuable tool for understanding the participation and decision-making process of validators on the Ethereum network, offering real-time insights into the blocks and states being endorsed by the network's validators.

Query Params
Defaults to 6243475

The slot number to filter attestations

Defaults to 10

The committee index to filter attestations


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