Voluntary exits

The /eth/v1/beacon/pool/voluntary_exits method is an API endpoint in the Ethereum Beacon Chain that provides information about the voluntary exits of validators from the network. A voluntary exit occurs when a validator chooses to stop participating in the consensus process and exits the system. This action is irreversible and is typically taken by validators who wish to cease their operations or withdraw their staked ETH after the mandatory exit delay.


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This endpoint is particularly useful for developers and network participants who want to track validator exits and understand the dynamics of validator participation in the Ethereum network.


  • none


  • array — list of voluntary exit objects.
    • Each object in the array represents a voluntary exit, containing:
      • epoch — the epoch at which the validator has exited or is scheduled to exit. In the Ethereum Beacon Chain, epochs are sequential time periods during which blockchain operations occur.
      • validator_index — the unique index of the validator who is voluntarily exiting. This index is an identifier used within the Beacon Chain to track validators' activities and status.
      • signature — the cryptographic signature provided by the validator, confirming their intention to voluntarily exit. This ensures the authenticity and irrevocability of the exit action.
      • withdrawal_credentials — the credentials that will be used for withdrawing the staked ETH after the exit is processed and the mandatory delay has passed.
      • message_hash — a hash of the exit message, providing an additional layer of security and verification for the exit process.

This endpoint provides a valuable insight into the changing landscape of validator participation on the Ethereum Beacon Chain, allowing for better network monitoring and analysis.


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