Attestations of the beacon block by block_id

The /eth/v1/beacon/blocks/{block_id}/attestations method is a key API endpoint in the Ethereum Beacon Chain. It provides detailed information about the attestations included in a specified beacon block. Attestations are critical to the Ethereum PoS mechanism, where validators attest or agree on the state of the blockchain. This endpoint allows developers and network participants to access attestations within a specific block, essential for analysis, verification, and understanding the consensus process.


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  • {block_id}: This parameter specifies the identifier of the beacon block for which the attestations are being queried. It can be a slot number, a block root, or a special value like 'genesis' or 'head'.


  • array — list of attestation objects included in the specified block.
    • Each object in the array represents an individual attestation, containing:
      • aggregation_bits — a bitfield indicating the group of validators that participated in this attestation.
      • data — the data being attested to by the validators, including:
        • slot: The slot number of the attested block.
        • index: The committee index associated with this attestation.
        • beacon_block_root: The root of the beacon block being attested.
        • source: The source checkpoint of the attestation.
        • target: The target checkpoint of the attestation.
      • signature — the collective signature of the validators who created this attestation. This signature is a key component in validating the attestation's authenticity and agreement.

The /eth/v1/beacon/blocks/{block_id}/attestations method is instrumental in providing transparency and insight into the validation and consensus process of the Ethereum network. It enables users to verify and analyze the validators' consensus on specific blocks, enhancing the understanding and security of the blockchain.

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