Proposer duties


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To get a correct response from the interactive API example, make sure you provide the latest or close to latest epoch. For the latest epoch number, see

The /eth/v1/validator/duties/proposer/{epoch} method is a crucial API endpoint in the Ethereum Beacon Chain, specifically designed for validators. It provides information about which validators are scheduled to propose blocks during a specified epoch. An epoch in Ethereum is a set period during which certain blockchain activities, including block proposals, take place.


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This method is particularly important for validators to understand their responsibilities in the upcoming epochs and prepare for block proposal duties accordingly.


  • {epoch}: The specific epoch for which the proposer duties are being queried. This is a required parameter and must be specified as a part of the URL.


  • array — list of proposer duty objects.
    • Each object in the array represents a proposer duty for a specific validator, containing:
      • pubkey — the public key of the validator who is assigned the proposer duty. This key uniquely identifies the validator within the Beacon Chain network.
      • validator_index — the index of the validator within the validator registry of the Beacon Chain.
      • slot — the specific slot during the epoch at which the validator is expected to propose a block. Slots are subdivisions of an epoch, and each slot provides an opportunity for a block to be added to the Beacon Chain.

The /eth/v1/validator/duties/proposer/{epoch} method is a vital tool for validators to effectively participate in the block proposal process, which is a key component of the consensus mechanism in Ethereum. By providing clear and timely information about their upcoming duties, validators can ensure the smooth operation and ongoing security of the Beacon Chain.

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