eth_getLogs | Base

Base API method eth_getLogs retrieves logs matching specific criteria, such as block range, address, and topics. This method is crucial for applications that need to fetch log data for analysis, display, or monitoring smart contract events.

The example track USDC token transfers.


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  • filterObject — an object containing filter options:
    • fromBlock — the starting block to search for logs. In this example, it's set to "latest".
    • address — the contract address to fetch logs from.
    • topics — an array of topics to match against the logs.


  • result — an array of log objects. Each log object contains details such as whether the log was removed (due to a chain reorganization), log index, transaction index, transaction hash, block hash, block number, address from which the log originated, data contained in the log, and topics associated with the log.

Use case

The eth_getLogs method is essential for:

  • DApps that require access to historical log data for analysis or display purposes.
  • Services that monitor smart contract interactions over time, needing to retrieve all past events that match certain criteria.
  • Analytical tools that process and visualize blockchain data based on logs from specific contracts or transactions.

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