trace_callMany method | Base

Base API method trace_callMany allows for the execution of multiple call transactions and returns their trace data. This method is particularly useful for developers who wish to simulate the execution of several transactions in sequence without broadcasting them to the network, enabling a comprehensive analysis of how a series of transactions would interact with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and affect the blockchain state.


  • transactions — An array of objects, where each object represents a transaction to be executed. Each transaction object includes fields such as from, to, gas, gasPrice, value, and data.
  • traceTypes — An array of strings specifying the types of traces to return for each transaction. Common trace types include "vmTrace", "trace", and "stateDiff".
  • blockNumber — The block number against which all the transactions should be executed. This can be a specific block number, "earliest", "latest", or "pending".


  • result — An array containing the trace data for each executed transaction, as specified by the traceTypes. This data provides detailed insights into the execution path of each transaction, including VM operations, state changes, and other relevant information that helps in understanding the impact of the transactions on the blockchain state.

Use case

The trace_callMany method is invaluable for developers and analysts who need to understand the cumulative effect of multiple transactions on the blockchain state. This could be used for testing complex interactions between smart contracts, debugging transaction sequences for decentralized applications (DApps), or estimating the gas usage for a series of transactions. It provides a sandbox environment for safely simulating transactions, allowing for thorough testing and analysis without the risk of consuming gas or affecting the live blockchain.

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